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[LE] Event "OnDialogue"

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1) Event if player started dialogue with NPC

- just if E was pressed on NPC to talk


2) Event if player selected specific dialogue with NPC

- for example event if player choice "Hello" in dialogue :x


OnActivate on Actor is not working or im using it wrong xDDD




i just want to run script if player start talk with NPC

and i want to run script if player choice dialogue option


also is there any way to Start Script from script ? xD


for example:


Script Property ScriptToRun Auto


Start( ScriptToRun )



xDD its probably not possible cause how i will fill properties with this "Start" Function but maybe there is way to do this :D

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Scripts are not "started". They are active whenever the object they are attached to is active. Scripts merely sit idle waiting for a defined event to be triggered.


There is the SendModEvent feature with SKSE which will allow you to from one script trigger the event on another script. No idea if it will be helpful but worth a look nonetheless.


No idea about the dialog thing. Someone else will need to chime in on that.

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I've told you before and I'll tell you again: Learn how to use Quests. Not everything can or should be done through Papyrus.


Pretty much anything to do with dialogue in Skyrim is controlled by Quests. In particular, if you want to run a script after an NPC says a specific line, that's done through the quest dialogue system, which allows the addition of Papyrus fragments to specific NPC responses. There are also Story Manager nodes that will fire quests on dialogue events, including greeting.


Papyrus of itself has no OnDialogue event. You can hack together something with spells and the IsTalking and IsInDialogueWithPlayer conditions, but you shouldn't.

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to start script by other script you can cast spell with script you want to start lel...


scripts can be attached to spells :D


lol xD "You can" hi tobi <3

im gonna test my idea with Spells starting Scripts and strill trying to make something with starting script on dialogue enter xD




ty. 4 help foam and ishara :P

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