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Searching for a mod with auto lockpicking and no XP


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I have an issue with my hands which make the lockpick minigame difficult to do. I have installed Remove Lockpicking LINK which remove the minigame, but I am also interested in removing the experience, too. Does anybody know of a such mod?

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Remove lockpicking seems to be the only thing out there at the moment. Chests are locked one by one based on their entity ID or object ID or something like that, so I'd image to remove the experience you'd have to go through each one of the chests in the entire game, unless you replace the chest object all together.


Someone smarter than me might be able to whip this up in creation kit, you may want to ask in the Mod Requests!



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A way around that could be to set you lockpicking skill to 100 with the consol command.

player.setav lockpicking 100

That does force the skills to 100 without giving the XP. And you'll just have the minor thing of having lockpicking 100 in your skills trees and since it's already at 100 you will not gain the XP (exept perhpas the XP need to fullfill the XP bar of lockpicking 100, but since it can't reach another level, it won't do anything on the general level of your charactere.). You would had to watch out of not putting any skills points on it too.

Edited by Skipspik
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Story manager has a lock pick event.

OnStoryPickLock may be an event related to this as well.


It seems that obtaining when a lock is picked is possible. Thus one could obtain the starting value of the lockpick skill via GetActorValue and then each time a lock is picked reset the lockpicking skill back to the original value. Points would be gained but they would be erased immediately after.


Again just theory and posted for anyone who wishes to explore further into this idea.

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