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When Skyrim starts, all mods are disabled


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Dear Skyrim-Fans,

today I set up my new computer and everything works fine execpt for skyrim!

I installed it and used the update 10 (final).

After that I downloaded Nexus Mod Manager and installed it on my pc.

Everything works fine and it found the game directory automatically.


But as I installed some mods, enabled them in the plugin-list and started skyrim there was a problem.

Some mods didn't seem to start.

So I just closed skyrim and started Nexus Mod Manager again and then I saw all plugins disabled in the plugin list.


But before I got my new computer it worked fine for me.


Do you know why this happened?


Greeting from Germany!

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I've answered this in another thread. When you click Launch skyrim, the SkyrimLauncher opens up. Then you'll see that Data Files is greyed out. Close the NMM.


> Go to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Skyrimprefs.ini


> Open it with notepad, CTRL F for [Launcher]


> Then, under launcher, add this line:


> bEnableFileSelection=1


> Save, then close.


> Open up NMM, enable them all in the plugins menu.


> Have fun.

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  • 3 years later...

Yeah, had same problem. Again and again, after Skyrim launch almost every plugin were disabled. Only twice i was able to start game with enabled mod.. but it was only one from all my installed, and worked only for "the one started game".


xNodus, ty for your reply, it helped. Good job!

(btw. never understand how somebody knows a way of solving problem like this - just go into some folder, open something indescribable and write/paste here a mile-long command - if he doesn't search on google for a half of his life to find a solution, of course :cool: )

Edited by ZlatyDeny
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  • 2 months later...

xNodus, THANKS!!! i was getting frustrated about that, i just have a question. How did that happend? i mean, what do i did? is an issue of the managers? i use MO, and i just run the skyrim launcher to change something (disable the antialising) and after that all the plugins start to get unchecked, i just want to know why is that happening? that line from the pref.ini is deleted when i run the launcher?


Thanks any way, and sorry for my lack of english, is not my mother lenguage.

Edited by DuranWolf
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