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Hello all, I have been playing skyrim for quite a long time.

I having this CTD problem when i get to the main menu, and I have tried a lot of method, searching the form etc...


Method tried:


Reinstalling the game

Change sound to 16bit 44100Khz (I think is correct if I'm not mistaken)

Update all drivers to latest version and more...


None of the method work.

I also notice that, if I reinstall the whole game and run with SKSE or not SKSE, the game works fine, but after I install Mods, the game doesn't work anymore, no matter how much mod I install, even one mod, the game also crash.

I have no idea what is happening to my game, or is it my Windows. I tried formating the whole Windows too!


My spec:

MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1

Intel Core i5 2500 @ 3.30GHz Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology

4.00 GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz

ASUSTeK Computer INC. P8H61-M LE

GeForce 9500 GT



So anyone have idea how to fix it?

Or need my plugins or load order? ANything that can helps?

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It is possible that your drivers are not installed correctly...NVidia changes the way to update drivers. Read hereon how to do this. I had that problem, crashes etc. becuase of corrupted files...the update process no longer overwrites the files, you have to do a complete clean manual install. The link is a long read, but totally worth it. I have the 9800GT, so I imagine that like me you are trying to get the most out of the old drivers, and the problems caused by the files not being overwrittten include things like incorrect temperature management, maximum clocks (way beyond specs) and could kill your card.


When you did the reinstall, did you also remove all of your old savegames? If not, you might try again.


I personally have found the Bethesda Hi-res textures patches to really slow things down...have you tried not using those?


Also maybe try limiting your FPS? I use 33 fps, because at 30 I get super long load times.


Have you tried using something like CPU-z to see what is going on with your computer (temps, clock speeds, etc) just before the crash?


Also, are you using the "launch skse" tab to start? recently the skse install procedure has also changes...did you copy/past the .pex files as well as copy those three files like always?



Just some ideas, hope something helps!

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It is possible that your drivers are not installed correctly...NVidia changes the way to update drivers. Read hereon how to do this. I had that problem, crashes etc. becuase of corrupted files...the update process no longer overwrites the files, you have to do a complete clean manual install. The link is a long read, but totally worth it. I have the 9800GT, so I imagine that like me you are trying to get the most out of the old drivers, and the problems caused by the files not being overwrittten include things like incorrect temperature management, maximum clocks (way beyond specs) and could kill your card.



When you did the reinstall, did you also remove all of your old savegames? If not, you might try again.


I personally have found the Bethesda Hi-res textures patches to really slow things down...have you tried not using those?


Also maybe try limiting your FPS? I use 33 fps, because at 30 I get super long load times.


Have you tried using something like CPU-z to see what is going on with your computer (temps, clock speeds, etc) just before the crash?


Also, are you using the "launch skse" tab to start? recently the skse install procedure has also changes...did you copy/past the .pex files as well as copy those three files like always?



Just some ideas, hope something helps!


So what you mean by making a complete reinstall? I need to uninstall the driver and reinstall the latest NVIDIA driver?

I didn't remove all my old save game, so you mean when I'm trying to reinstall the game, I just need to delete my save game and install the game?

Nope, I didn't use any high res texture because if I use it is a major slow down on my pc, without it, I still can play smoothly.

How do I limit my FPS?

Nope I didn't, I'll try to download the program and run, and see if there is any changes, I'll let you know.

I just run the SKSE.exe file. What is the changes? I don't know what /pex file, I just copy the file to where the instruction said.



Edit: Check using GPU-Z, nothing changed.

Edited by mual123
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So what you mean by making a complete reinstall? I need to uninstall the driver and reinstall the latest NVIDIA driver?

I didn't remove all my old save game, so you mean when I'm trying to reinstall the game, I just need to delete my save game and install the game?

Nope, I didn't use any high res texture because if I use it is a major slow down on my pc, without it, I still can play smoothly.

How do I limit my FPS?

Nope I didn't, I'll try to download the program and run, and see if there is any changes, I'll let you know.

I just run the SKSE.exe file. What is the changes? I don't know what /pex file, I just copy the file to where the instruction said.



Edit: Check using GPU-Z, nothing changed.


1. CPU-z would just tell you how your computer was doing, if there were spickes, temperature drops, etc. It is not a fix, but a way to see what is going on.

2. Did you go to the link about the NVIDIA driver installation process. It is explained there exactly what you need to do. Click here, it explains and gives you the exact steps to follow. It is an EVGA site, but the process is the same regardless of who manufactured your NVidia card.

3. If you introduce old savegames into a new reinstall, you reintroduce corrupt files, if any were present, from your old game to the new. The only way to see for sure if the problem is not mod related to is uninstall the game using the delete local content thing, then go through and manually delete your savegames, any other data that is left behind by steam. Then clear your computer cache or restart your computer and install the game again.

4.You can limit your fps through any number of programs, such as Fraps, EVGA's Precision, Riva Tuner...these may not not work well, however, if your driver files are corrupted, so the first step would be to check the site I gave you and follow the steps.

5. When you download skse, it comes with a readme, that explains exactly what you need to do. After you extract the files, look at the list of files and one will say readme.txt or something like that, I forget. open it and follow the instructions. if you have not installed skse properly that could be the cause, so I'd do that first.

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sorry for the late reply.

Yes, i just check using that program, not bs a fix. Thanks for the suggestion thought.

I didnt finish reading yet, so after finish reading, i just follow the step given and it will manage to slove the problem or is just a chance to solve the problem?

About the save game, i just leave the save game where it be and i just uninstall the game and reinstall. I not sure if any of the file is corrupted or not. So, the local content thing you mention is which one? Is it the file related to skyrim or? I alre think is not the save game problem because last time when i using mod, there is no problem after i reinstall the game, but somehow i dont know why last time after i first install the BOSS or wrye bash the SKSE does not work anymore. And then everything is just not working even i reinstall or whatever.


I see. I'm actually using fraps, i'll check and see. But i also dont think is the FPS problem because last time i also didnt use any of that kind of program, the game will just work fine.

To know if the driver file is corrupt or not, what should i do? Just installing the file wont able to know?


The SKSE i use, last time i follow the readme, the game will also work fine, but as i mention before, dont know why after installing two of that program the hand wont work. I not sure why. Even now i also follow the readme file to install.

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THings that worked before may not work now because of the patch, and other changes you have made to your computer.

I can't tell you that the driver iinstall is the cause of your problem, nor can anyone tell you with any certainty exactly what is causing your problem. You have a huge number of variables that make your specific game on your specific computer unique.


Just installing the driver does not remove all the old files and does not always overwrite with new files. The only way to know is to follow the link instructions. Even if that is not what is causing your particular problem now, incorrectly installed files will cause problems down the road, so it is worth the time to make sure you have them installed correctly.


Your problem may not be fps related, but it is an easy thing to change and doesn't hurt anything to check.


If you are uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but then using an old save game (as you said, saving where you are at, and then returning after the reinstall), you are very likely adding back in corrupt files from your savegame and undoing the work of reinstalling. This could be the cause of your problem. You need to uninstall the game using steam delete local content, then go through and delete all the files steam leaves behind (especially the savegames, which are in user>documents>mygames>skyrim>savegames or something like that.) TThen turn you computer off completely or clear your computer cache before reinstalling the game again through steam and starting a new game.

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THings that worked before may not work now because of the patch, and other changes you have made to your computer.

I can't tell you that the driver iinstall is the cause of your problem, nor can anyone tell you with any certainty exactly what is causing your problem. You have a huge number of variables that make your specific game on your specific computer unique.


Just installing the driver does not remove all the old files and does not always overwrite with new files. The only way to know is to follow the link instructions. Even if that is not what is causing your particular problem now, incorrectly installed files will cause problems down the road, so it is worth the time to make sure you have them installed correctly.


Your problem may not be fps related, but it is an easy thing to change and doesn't hurt anything to check.


If you are uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but then using an old save game (as you said, saving where you are at, and then returning after the reinstall), you are very likely adding back in corrupt files from your savegame and undoing the work of reinstalling. This could be the cause of your problem. You need to uninstall the game using steam delete local content, then go through and delete all the files steam leaves behind (especially the savegames, which are in user>documents>mygames>skyrim>savegames or something like that.) TThen turn you computer off completely or clear your computer cache before reinstalling the game again through steam and starting a new game.


I see. I'll try to uninstall everything first or follow the link you gave, and I will try to do what is told first, see if the game is working or not.

Yes I'm using old save game, so I'll try to remove like what you said and then reinstall again. I not sure if the game will work or not, but is worth a try. I've been not playing the game for a few months because of this particular problem.

Well, I'll just try to get things done first before replying again, or else I'll just PM you for more info, unless you still watching the thread.


Thanks for all the explaination, I'll try to do it first, then I'll let you know the result, see if the game is working or not.

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Sorry for the double posting, but to inform you, the game is working now, I didn't do any installing or modification.

The problem I found out is with Mod, I use all my time, mod by mod, I check and use. Then the game work fine because a few mod is not compact or something.

Anyway, I also read all about the link you posted already, thank you so much for the help too.

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Which mod caused the problem?


I not sure which mod, but I think is the Killmove or something like that. The game work fine now, I use all the time, one by one mod to test.

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