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Thief looted my Dragon kill and then got away


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LOL is this normal behavior from now on?

So I killed this dragon in Riverwood and I notice after its dead the guards are still shooting arrows and I look closer and there is a Frikkin thief looting my just killed dragon. I am massively over-encumbered from the Thalmor Embassy quest and Thief seems to be High level/ HP so all I can do is continue to shoot him from a distance with my bow. Eventually he flees into the river where I deliver the killing shot. Only to have his body float down the river faster than I can walk/swim. As his body floats under the bridge and out of view, I cry, NOOOOOoooo..... LOL, nothing I can do,


Well the dragon is missing the magic item that drops and a few dragon scales WTF? Thief stole them I am sure. Stupid thief, that is rediculous. Seriously kind of irritating.


Perhaps should not have joined stupid thieves guild if this is going to happen all the time now?



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I found it odd to be losing to a dead body in a swimming race. Thief probably stole the best piece of gear in the game and then floated away, but I will never know AAARGH


These thieves they're getting really ballsy nowadays aren't they I mean barely a second has passed since the dragon died and he is already looting it

Edited by masternoxx
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It's somewhat related - I use Warzones, which with some tuning is still absolutely spectacular IMO, I frequently pause my travels to watch the factions going at it from a distance. But it leaves a lot of dead bodies around. Dead, lootable bodies. And as it turns out, I can't stop myself from looting them.


So after my 55th overencumbered waddle back to town to sell my excess gear, I realized I needed to do something.

I ended up installing trade and barter - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34612

which has an option to have NPCs loot other NPCs for useful object with values above a configurable amount of gold.


Now I have lots of naked dead bodies and "winner" NPCs with insane amounts of stuff in their inventories.


I joke but it's a lot better, I set the NPCs to loot anything above 5 gold and never get off my horse on a battlefield anymore because most of the 'free' loot is gone.


I do think your example is good game experience - I mean, it would annoy me but at the same time sort of please me at the complexity that interacting game systems can have to make for that true "WTF just happened" experience.

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