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Make a clone settler.


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First, sorry if this was asked million times, but I can't find a definitive answer. Also, is not actually a mod request, I'm fine with a console commands, or a bat.


I'm looking for a way to turn a copy of my character into a settler. And can use some default settler voice.


Long time ago, while playing as Nora, I find out that there was 2 versions of the main character. Both are equipped with the vault suit, one have the original hair and a male voice, the second is a copy of the current main character. Then I used the Workshop Synth Production mod to get the "dna", to make a synth and also a settler. But that mod is very outdated and glitchy.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heyas Shaidon - Ok, for the record, you don't want to do this with a settler, as far as I know. The reason being, that settlers get respawned, when the area that they're in respawns. The game doesn't remake them exactly as they had been before the respawn, it just makes a new one at random and throws it in there.

From the sounds of it, what you want to do is to use a companion that is capable of being assigned to a settlement. There's tons of mods out there that can add standalone companions. Then you can use faceripper to steal a copy of your face from one of your savegames, and assign it to the companion. Tho, from what I'm reading, you have to throw the companion's ID into faceripper, and that I dunno how to find.

Hopefully somebody more knowledgable about that sees this, and chimes in with a link to a tute on how to get the ID, or posts the info here in the thread.

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