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Global Arrays?


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So my hotkeys mod has been going fairly well. The problem now is my script is so huge it is slow when things get hot. I want to be able to split my script into a setup and use sctipts. The problem is it is highly dependent on several arrays that are properties. Does anyone have any experience with making an array readable between two scripts?


I have tried parent/child relationship to no avail. I tried importing one script to the other. I even looked into having the function return said array, this would work but I need it to return several arrays not just one.


Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

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So my hotkeys mod has been going fairly well. The problem now is my script is so huge it is slow when things get hot. I want to be able to split my script into a setup and use sctipts. The problem is it is highly dependent on several arrays that are properties. Does anyone have any experience with making an array readable between two scripts?


I have tried parent/child relationship to no avail. I tried importing one script to the other. I even looked into having the function return said array, this would work but I need it to return several arrays not just one.


Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.


You could do something like this:


scriptname propertyHolderScript extend ObjectReference

Int Property Value auto


scriptname intWriter extends ActiveMagicEffect

ObjectReference Property propertyHolder auto

event oneffectstart(actor target, actor caster)
       (propertyHolder as propertyHolderScript).Value = utility.randomint(1,10)


scriptname intReader extends ActiveMagicEffect

ObjectReference Property propertyHolder auto

event oneffectstart(actor target, actor caster)
       int i = (propertyHolder as PropertyHolderScript).Value
       debug.messagebox("Writer script set the value to: " + i)


Basically, you create a custom activator to attach the propertyHolderScript to. You can then access its properties by sending in this activator as an ObjectReference property, and type casting it as the script name. It's very handy.


You can also use a Quest instead of an activator, though I prefer the latter. Only downside is that you have to place the activator somewhere in the world.

Edited by Sjogga
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OMG you are amazing. I haven't tested it but this looks like the ticket.


EDIT: I did a simple test and it works like a charm! Kudos times a million. Expect to see a big thank you on my mod page if this helps speed up my script.

Edited by Spinner385
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Question is still open..


While i tested and it works fine with single variables, arrays are another story. Although it does appear I can return a single element of an array. This may be functional but terribly inefficient. I am experimenting.


Until then can anyone else help.


BTW I don't regret the Kudos, this is a great idea. Thank you for sharing!

Edited by Spinner385
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Sorry to keep responding to my own post but I got it to work!


Using Sjogga's idea, I created my own find functions and was able to run it with separate scripts. It is much more responsive.


Sjogga I love you man!

Edited by Spinner385
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