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Dawnguard can't properly become a vampire.


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Hello guys


My issue is this - I have successfully led Serana to the castle and accepted the "Gift" from the Lord, I went thru training without any issues, I can change forms and use all vampire spells. BUT when I walk throught the castle everyone says that I have disrespected the Lord and am a Disgrace upon the clan, that I should go to see the Lord as soon as possible. Basially they all point that I am not a vampire. Jet I have spells, form, debuffs of vampire and the need to feed. Jet only thing I myself notice that is missing - eyes, they don't glow.


What can cause this issue? I don't use any vampire related mod. The only gameplay mode that I use is morrowloot / skyre , all patched up to the latest version.

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Are you using custom race?


If not, try curing yourself with either console commands or Falion, then get back into being a vampire.




Do a little research and find the commands to make you a vampire, etc. If you are not in the mood, i will try posting some solutions after a few hours.

Edited by cycloney911
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Reinstalled the game, ALL addons I had , everything STILL the issue is there....


What I have found out is that my character has no Sanguine Vampiris


but if I add it via console , ALL of the vampires in the clan start to attack me.


Can this problem be somehow related to Hircine quest? Ill Met By Moonlight?

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player.setrace REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACTUAL_RACEvampirerace


Note: Not playing a custom race either but using a khajiit body replacer. After accepting the gift from Harkon, turning into a vampire lord and back to human -ehrm feline form, he would recognize me as a vampire but everybody else in the castle wouldn't. Changing to a vampire lord in front of anybody besides Harkon resulted in them attacking me. I had to use the above console command before beeing able to talk to anyone besides Harkon.

Edited by gurgelstock
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