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scripting nightmare!


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Nobody said anything about the creation kit altering the source script PERMANENTLY!!!!??????


I was messing around with one of the thane quests in the ck and I clicked on the scripts tab then select the script that has the same name as the quest then properties. When I add a new thing to that script and click ok it is added forever! Noticed there was a pex file in the scripts folder but the actual script file is psc guess that stands for papyrus script compiled. So I read around here somewhere the misc.bsa file contains the original script files, I went to extract them with BSA extractor tool and noticed they are .pex not .psc so is this a problem of using the wrong tool to extract them or do they all get compiled during installation? That would suck if I have to uninstall/reinstall the game just to get one little script file working again. Why would the ck do something so volatile like that anyway?


I noticed that the ck adds a same named file only .pex of the script altered in the scripts folder so I deleted it thinking it would just go read the default again in source folder not knowing that the source file was altered too. What I am thinking is that maybe there is a tool that can be used to delete the added items from the original script file? Also maybe I need a different tool for extracting the file from the misc.bsa file to get it out properly as .psc?






Ok if I go to the scripts tab again and select that script and then right click it I get the option to edit source then I was able to delete the items I added they were at the very bottom so I just deleted them and selected save then the file compiled correctly with no errors but it is still 5kb in size I never checked to see what the old size was so who knows:-( There is a pex file of the same name in my scripts folder now though and it is only 4kb in size so I don't know if the default should be the same.


This SUCKS! What if I edit other scripts do I need to backup my entire source directory BEFORE editing any default scripts? The pex files they are the files used in my mod then? That is what goes along with my mod when I finally finish it so others can use it properly?


I am definitely backup that dam directory after this mess, also I am gonna restore the backup after modding to see if that makes any difference when working with ck. Wish I had backed up my source folder before now though:-(

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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Just learned something, I backed up the source folder and then went into my mod with ck and added the items under the scripts tab and the default script I wanted to alter. Then I went to the quest stages tab and altered the appropriate area in the stage I wanted to alter. This is a thane quest alteration for solitude so I am dropping in stuff that I added in the scripts tab because if I don't add stuff in the scripts tab it can't be called in the quest stages tab which I only learned because I tried to only alter the quest stages tab at first. Anyway if I save my alterations of quest stages tab the ck will compile the script and gives no errors (because I did it right YAAAAAAAAY) so then I save my mod and close ck. When I go to the source folder I notice that the file is now slightly bigger so I copy it to another place then replace it with the backup file from my source backup. Load ck again and notice that while my properties are there under the scripts tab, the quest stages alterations are not there so they are saved in that file! So no matter what I have to give that file with my mod and presumably the .pex file too in the scripts folder.


All of this is very confusing because from what I have read so far from these forums and google searches, the psc files are made by the modder but I never made the original versions of those files so where did they come from? Did the ck generate them when opened for the very first time by me or did the game generate them during installation? So what should I do then, duplicate the script file in windows then change the name slightly at the end and then try to get ck to use that file instead of the original for that quest? Won't that mess up anything else in the game that might call on that quest script? Dam if it does I would have to find all uses and alter them for each script I rename ugh:-(

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