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Skyrim Serious Lag


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Ive been playing Skyim this whole day with no problem, so i quit while doing personal things and came back to play my Game again, when all of a sudden im experiencing this serious Stuttering, i can hardly move, but when i click the Menu Screen, the Mouse Cursor moves normal speed. When i click on my Inventory, it stutters just as bad.


Loading Screens take a few seconds like always, but now it takes me 2 minutes to get into the Game, yet i can twirl the Objects on the Loading Screen as normal like always.


I also disabled all my Mods and its still stuttering, even when i Delete all my saves and play a New Game its the same.


I also have Dawnguard for 2 Weeks now and im nowhere near it In-Game.


Theres no way i can afford to Delete Skyrim with Dawnguard and Re-Install everything again, it would take me 3 days to complete and i bought Dawnguard through Steam.

Edited by daventry
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Hi! Nice of you to think of me. Not sure I can help, but I'll try. Nothing in particualr sticks out.

However, here are some ideas, I hope one of them works!


I notice you have BOSS, did you run your mods through BOSS to check for conflicts, set load order, etc? (I'm guessing you did)


Since the problem remains after disabling mods and deleting saves, my guess is that the problem is from a mod that made changes to your textures or lighting or scripts, since these are not automatically removed just by disabling.

Alternately, if you have made any changes yourself to your .ini files or your driver settings, this might be the issue. Or if steam "updated" your game it may have reset some of your .ini or driver settings to what it thinks they should be rather than what you know works... for example when steam updates it always ticks the FXAA option, which make my game screwy)


This is what I would try:


1. Try an older save (if you can, but it sounds like they were deleted?)

2. Check your game settings, your driver settings, then your prefini and ini files (in this order cause opening the game settings menu will overwrite your pref.ini values) and make sure they are where you want them.

3. Change your fps...if you are not using an fps limiter, maybe try that? Most people use either 30 or 60. I use 33 cause kievkev figured out that 30 was the cause of my long load times.

4. Are you using the high-res texture pack? I don't because it causes issues more me (including slow/stuttering gameplay, like you are talking about) , and I noticed more people have been having problems with it since 1.7. Worth an untick just to check...

5. Maybe recheck your mods, make sure you have the latest in case there was a conflict with the new patch, and try lower res options if they are available, also try lower settings for your game/graphics driver?

6. Do general computer maintenance to make sure you have enough available memory (I know its a long shot, but...)

5. If none of that helps, I think it is possible that somehow one of your mods is causing issues and you could try completely uninstalling any that have affects on light, textures, or animations, but it may be less time consuming in the long run to just start over with a complete uninstall and reinstall. To make sure that your game is unaffected by old files, you would need to manually delete all of your savegames, and anything left in the data folders (not the folders, just the files) and then clear your computer cache or shut down your computer completely before reinstalling.


Sorry I don't have a magical solution. :confused: Let me know if any of the helps (or none of it....) and maybe we can figure out something else....

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I tried everything and nothing works, it seems i have to Delete and Re-install Skyrim, but how can i save Dawnguard so to speak, i dont want to Re-Download that, must i Buy it again.


When i go to the Menu of Skyrim where it says Load - Save - New Game, the Fog is swirling below your Screen when i notice the Mouse Cursor is dragging behind slower then ever all over the Screen.

Edited by daventry
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Well, steam shouldn't make you pay again, any more than they do for the regular game if you delete/uninstall I've never had to pay twice for DLC on steam, though I don't have dawnguard. It should be the same as anything you buy from them, uninstalling doesn't change your account owning it. I think there would only be a problem if you closed your steam account and deleted it.


The mouse thing....it sounds like there is something going on with your main computer...you did try disabling all unnecessary services/programs, and no other programs are running (like autoupdates to your firewall/anti-virus, cloud syncs of any sort, and you have your internet browswer closed?)


It is true that reinstalling would take a long time. Especially reinstalling dawnguard and the main game. However, if you did this, you could tell for sure if it was dawnguard causing the problem, or a mod conflict, etc by just dowloading vanilla skyrim, see if it works, then adding dawnguard, then adding mods 1 at a time. If you want to try to avoid that, there are a bunch of threads talking about Dawnguard problems, have you read them all? There might be a fix in one of them. A lot of people have been having issues with dawnguard... but it could be someting else and it is hard to pinpoint without going through basic (painful and long) troubleshooting, unless you happen on a thread that has your solution.


Also have you tried unclicking Dawnguard in the plug-ins list? If it is still messed up, then you can't say dawnguard isn't the problem, but if everything goes back to normal, then you can for sure say dawnguard is part of the problem and go from there.

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Try cut/pasting the Scripts folder at Skyrim/Data to somewhere else, then start a new game and see if it's gone. Also, don't delete your GPU updates... I once had around 30 fps with Ultra for my GPU, once the new update came in, fps went to 50. Also make sure you have any unnecessary processors ended at task manager.
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