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Skyrim Goo/Ash - How to clean up?


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I am working with corrupted shades. I want them to delete themselves after X amount of seconds after they die. This does not work because they turn into a goo pile onDeath, yet there is no script directing them to do so.


Does anyone know a way to properly dispose of the goo piles?

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I am working with corrupted shades. I want them to delete themselves after X amount of seconds after they die. This does not work because they turn into a goo pile onDeath, yet there is no script directing them to do so.


Does anyone know a way to properly dispose of the goo piles?

You might take a look at the "Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots mod", or contact the mod's author.

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I am working with corrupted shades. I want them to delete themselves after X amount of seconds after they die. This does not work because they turn into a goo pile onDeath, yet there is no script directing them to do so.


Does anyone know a way to properly dispose of the goo piles?


They most likely have a scripted ability that causes them to leave goo piles when they die.

What you would want to do is:

  • find the script that is causing the goo piles
  • make yourself a uniquely named copy of the goo pile container used in the script
  • make yourself a new magic effect
  • attach the script to the magic effect and point the property for the goo pile to your new goo pile
  • make a new script for the goo pile that disables/deletes it after some amount of time
  • put your magic effect into an ability
  • replace the original ability on the shades with your new one
Edited by cscottydont
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I take it that by "shades" you mean the little clones that wisp mothers spawn when you bring them down to a certain level of health? If that's the case then the wisp shade race has an ability attached to it, the first property of which (I believe it's ID is AbWispShadeScriptAttach) has a script attached to it (who would have thought!?) that causes wisp shades to explode and leave ash piles on death as well as determining when to start using those magical light effects that they have in game.


So what's probably the simplest solution to your problem, assuming I've understood you and the creation kit correctly, is to:


1. Duplicate the wisp shade race and call the duplicate WispShadeCorrupted


2. Remove abWispShade from the new race's abilities (found under "Specials" in the "General Data" tab)


3. Duplicate abWispShade and call the duplicate abWispShadeCorrupted


4. Remove abWispshadeScriptAttach (will be listed as WispFX) from the spell effects for abWispShadeCorrupted


5. Duplicate abWispShadeScriptAttach and call it abWispShadeCorruptedScriptAttach


6. Replace WispShadeActorScript with one that produces the result you desire on death (so it be pretty much the same except for the stuff after "EVENT OnDying(Actor akKiller)")


6a. OPTIONAL: Replace abWisp from the equip ability of abWispShadeCorruptedScriptAttach with something more to your tastes


7. Add WispShadeScriptAttach to the spell effects for abWispShadeCorrupted


8. Add abWispShadeCorrupted to the racial abilities of WispShadeCorrupted


I'm still very new to this creation kit stuff but I think this will work. Hope it is of some use to you even if it doesn't.


EDIT: I was obviously in a forgetful mood. Odd how the wisp clones are listed as shades but the Corrupted Shades are just listed as skeleton necros never mind. My bad.


It's the same process anyway, the reason Corrupted shades turn to ash is because of a script tied to their racial ability. So you'll be cloning "SkeletonNecroRace", "abSkeletonNecro" and "abFXSkeletonNecro" and then editing the EVENT OnDying(Actor akKiller) part of the abFXSkeletonNecro script.

Edited by MyopaDeluxe
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