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Skyrim Randomly Stopped Booting


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Okay, so I haven't necessarily found anything anywhere detailing my specific problem. Two days ago, I was playing Skyrim and everything was running perfectly fine. Yesterday, I installed one mod, launched Skyrim, everything booted fine and I played it normally.


Today, even after fully clearing out my mods folder and reinstalling them all, it has stopped working. There isn't an error or anything, I just launch it, hit play, it does what it normally would do. Bethesda's logo shows up, then the main menu half loads before it just closes itself. There's no error report or anything. It just closes. Any ideas on how to fix this, or am I just totally screwed? Help would be greatly appreciated.

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ignore this one now. I fixed it. Whew. Glad I managed it.



what did you do I am having a similar problem



A tedious but worth it process. I got my computer and another computer (a pen and paper will work, it'll just take longer), and turned all of my mods off. Then I turned a few on one by one, writing each little set down in notepad. I did this until I figured out which mod was causing it. Turns out, it was one from the Steam workshop that gave me infinite charges on daedric artifacts. So if you have that one on, turn it off, and it should work. Otherwise, you'll hafta go through the whole thing. Edit: To make it easier, use the plugins tab on NMM. Click the big red X to turn them all off, then click the check boxes to turn a few on at a time.

Edited by NiggyShejin
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