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Loose files and BSA Archives question

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

Hi there guys i would like to ask what is the diffrence beatwean Loose files that come with some mods like Helgen Reborn and Bsa archives which i extract via Mod Organizer

Also i would like to ask if mods like Immersive Armors and Reallistic Water Two need to be optimize with Nif optimazer i heard these two mods are only ported and not optimized if is that true ?

And im rly curious about that loose files and BSA archive like what the point in extracting bsa or have loose files ?


Thanks for the answer :)

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The most important difference is that, when both the loose files and the BSA archive exist, loose files will overwrite the BSA.


Optimize the nif is a safe practice. There are many mods, some are even popular ones, have "SE" in their title but none of their meshes are optimized. Some even have form 43 .esps.


If you need to work with the custom assets in Creation Kit or Nifskope, you need to unpack the BSA and extract the files because these programs cannot read BSA.

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Guest deleted6419983

and The files that need to be optimized must be run in NIF Optimizer and CK or NIF Optimizer is enough to make them compatibille ?

And how i found out that the mood need to be optimized ?

And when i want to optimze the file it need optimze only the BSA ARchive right ? not the ESP it self ?

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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If your esp is form 43, you need to save it in the new CK t make it form 44. Rumor has it that form 43 esp in Skyrim SSE will eventually corrupt your save game.

I don't know anything about "optimizing" BSA. I do know that BSA from Oldrim will not work with SSE. My experience with Oldrim's BSA in SSE was immediate CTD.

To find out if your esp is form 44 or 43, open it either in Wrye Bash (which will give a warning right away if it is form 43,) or open it in SSE and in the info panel it will tell you.

For Nif files, as far as I know running them through the Optimizer is all you need.

I don't think Nif optimizer can optimize BSA. You need to extract the content first.

Edited by yian
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Guest deleted6419983

okey thanks for Clarify it to me :smile: and yeah i found it out to that i can use NIF only if I extract BSA to loose Files but im still not sure about how to find out if it needs to be run through nif.

Is that based on the ESP ? like if ESP is 43 than i need to Optimized BSA and loose Archive to ?

and what about mods that contain only BSA or loose files without an ESP how do i know if they need to be Optimized ?

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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No, the nifs and esp have no relation to each other. The simplest way to check if the nifs are good is just optimize them. If they have been optimized the log will say these files were skipped during the optimization process. If not, they log will tell you what was done to them during the optimization.

Edited by yian
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I sure appreciate reading this thread, and the answers comfirming what I've kinda figured out. But..... What's the best way to pack up a .bsa file for your mod? I sure don't wanna use loose files for mine. I need to figure out the best way to pack up all the correct files for my mod.


Do I got to make a dir structure with these files and then archive it by hand? Or is there a method that will know what files to use out of the many I have in my meshes/textures dir's etc.????


Thanks for expanding info on this info. :wink:

Edited by c0ax599
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The archive function "should" auto-populate your archive, but that sometimes misses things. The best bet is to keep a list of which assets you need. Start the archive process, and either double check that they're all there (if few) or remove everything from it and hand populate it (if many). More work, but less chance to have something missed, that way.

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