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Strange Ground Texture Issue... What is this, I don't even...


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Hi guys, so I just recently started noticing this issue, I'm pretty sure after I got the Dawnguard DLC (I could be mistake tho)... and it's really starting to annoy me. I've tried numerous texture mods, but although they change the textures, the problems persists. not sure how to describe it really, it's just like the ground textures blur after a certain (short) distance from my character. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


Here is a picture from months ago, displaying normal ground textures:



Here is a picture from minutes ago, displaying blurred, ugly ground textures.



I do not understand the source of this problem, but it's definitely not caused by any texture mods as it was there this morning when I only had vanilla textures.

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According to the Geforce website, that is caused by the AF settings. Do you have an Nvidia graphcs card? you might want to read this link, which shows you have to tweak the AF by using your card instead of the game settings for better AF rendering in the game.


Oops the link above just takes you to the comparison pic, which is still good to look at, but their article is here.

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According to the Geforce website, that is caused by the AF settings. Do you have an Nvidia graphcs card? you might want to read this link, which shows you have to tweak the AF by using your card instead of the game settings for better AF rendering in the game.


Oops the link above just takes you to the comparison pic, which is still good to look at, but their article is here.


This worked beautifully. Thank you very much. :D



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