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Flaming Swords Help


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I've seen alot of mods with swords or in some cases armor that is flaming(mostly blue), I was wondering how exactly you do that. Like what programs would I need and where would I get them? Thx!!! :mellow:
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It is called NifSkope Alchemy. The flames were copied from the torch onto a weapon and then adjusted from there. To change the color of the flame or the entire animation itself, you can update the texture paths to point to a different location and copy the DDS files there. You would use a tool like "DDS Converter 2" to change the DDS files to something like PSD or PNG so you can edit each of the textures (20 if I recall correctly) and then convert them back to DDS format.


But since there are many variations of flames attached to swords, you can make it even easier on yourself by taking an existing flaming weapon (where you like the flame effect) and delete the NiTriStrips related to that weapon and then Copy Branch / Paste Branch the NiTriStrips of the weapon you want to replace it.


I still recommend changing the texture paths inside the NIF file that points to the DDS files so you can keep your mod separate from others for compatibility reasons.


So basically, you will need at least NifSkope and possibly a graphics tool to convert DDS files and manipulate images such as DDS Converter 2, GIMP or Paint.NET



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once youve checked such a particle node which you just add in nifskope as LH described you will see that its just a bunch of dds pictures... thus just make your own... a good method is to open an existing one ( for the right image size, etc...) - delete everything (also the alpha channel... make sure it fits your images) - then lets say add a star (photoshop brushes are a good tool here) in the lower left

- add new layers for each following star and move em around abit just like in a comic movie... the use the photoshop script "layers to files" and voila you have an image sequence...

(for photoshop 7 you need the sripting plug in and a script... which yoll have to rewrite to save layers as dds... cs3+ or even cs2+ dont not need anything as its build in)


btw it doesnt have to be 20 images... just make sure you change the number deep down in the node (seek and you shall find i forgot) or youll get blank screens for the missing images


once you check the node in nifskope youll also realize that a bunch of properties can be set like for example where the particle effect should be oriented to or how its displayed, the speed, delay, etc... youll have to play around with that to get the right result...

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Oh wow thx you guys I think I can finally make a mod with flames now!!! Woot! I will post it as soon as I finish working on it. I am thinking about a just a new house with some quests that will give you the sword (possiblly armor as well) or something along those lines, that match the theme of the house. There have probably been some posted already but it would be nice for my first mod to be a nice house and a cool sword with it :). I really appreciate the help guys.
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