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Mod that prevents auto dismissal


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I have recruited multiple companions using "more companions" mod. So far, I'm doing a stealth run and don't need them following me. Is there any way to prevent from auto-dismissal (one week in-game time of companions waiting)? I don't mind them returning to starting points for re-recruiting, but don't want to lose perks.
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All the vanilla companion's "move to home" timer is set in VNPCFollowersQuestSCRIPT.

The time is tracked by the script fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay <= GameDaysPassed

And the variable fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay is set in the Quest: VNPCFollowers, Topics Tab, under "Followers Wait", Result Script (Begin): set VNPCFollowers.fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay to ( GameDaysPassed + FollowerWaitTime )

FollowerWaitTime is a global variable that can be found in Object Window/Miscellaneous/Global


edit: If you just want to keep the perk when they leave, in the VNPCFollowersQuestSCRIPT

delete these lines:


(under ;Boone)

player.removeperk Spotting

showmessage FollowerMessagePerkBooneRemove


(under ;ED-E)

player.removeperk EnhancedSensors

showmessage FollowerMessagePerkEdeRemove

(EDE has 3 states EDE1, EDE2 and EDE3 so that one you have to do 3 times, the rest are just one state)


...and so on for the NPC perks you want to keep.

Edited by DizzasterJuice
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