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How to accually do this? :S


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What im trying to do is perk accually ( i have it already and its working on this "prototype" version), basically its unarmed perk for werewolves that is depended on target's health, more hits more damage.


But i want to make it like a single ability with the script through the Magic Effect; it is very simmilar to the Deadly Dragon's Armory weapon Magebane which burn's target's magicka and adds damage for the same ammount the magicka was burned, i want to make it like health depended, so i wonder how the script should look like exactly and few advice's how to set up Magic Effect for it, prolly would be (if im right)


Fire and forget, contact, destruction , MagicEffect as Script effect, now the other is either DamageResist or MagicResist, Detrimetral, Hostile, No area, HideInUI...


Any suggestion's please and scripts? :S


This is Magebane script that 3jiou provided for me:


Scriptname DDAMageBaneScript extends activemagiceffect  

import debug

actor target
float magRaw

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
target = akTarget
magRaw = target.getbaseAV("Magicka") * 0.05
If magRaw >= target.getAV("Magicka")
	notification(magRaw as int + " damage")
	target.damageAV("Magicka", magRaw)
	target.damageAV("Health", magRaw)
	magRaw = target.getAV("Magicka") * 0.1
	notification(magRaw as int + " damage")
	target.damageAV("Magicka", magRaw)
	target.damageAV("Health", magRaw)


So im wondering if this script is good for what im trying to do or should it be totally different? :S I sux in Papyrus (basic knowledge) so im asking for a help.

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Not sure what you mean by "health dependent" ... you want this magebane effect to occur only if the target has >= a certain health percentage? Or that the damage to health and magicka are handled as a percentage of the target's health?
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More like less and equal to the percentage of the health lost to the damage.


I guess I'm not understanding exactly what you are trying to do here. If you're trying to bind something to health percentage, you can try using GetAVPercentage().

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Here is the last try....

Your damage grows as you damage the enemy meaning = less health more damage...


You can try applying the amount of damage you want increased against a check to akTarget.GetAVPercentage("heath"). E.g., something to the effect of:


Float targetHealth = akTarget.GetAVPercentage("Health")
damageTarget = ((1 - targetHealth) * 10) as Int
akTarget.DamageAV("Health", damageTarget)


Here, as the target's health drops, the damageTarget number increases. Because targetHealth returns as a value between 0 and 1, my example has "damageTarget" ending up between 1 and 10, with 10 damage applied when the target is close to having 0% health. You can change the multiplier of course to whatever you wish.

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