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CK - How to "force" an NPC to "sit" forever


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Hello all!

I'm trying to make a prisoner "sit" (as its the package function's name) into his "chains" forever.


My problem is as follows; when or if I attack any NPC near him (or him), the prisoner escapes! He just gets out of his sit marker.


So is there a way to make him stay in his "sit marker" even if he's attacked??

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Hello all!

I'm trying to make a prisoner "sit" (as its the package function's name) into his "chains" forever.


My problem is as follows; when or if I attack any NPC near him (or him), the prisoner escapes! He just gets out of his sit marker.


So is there a way to make him stay in his "sit marker" even if he's attacked??


In your "Sit" package go to the "Flags" tab and check the "ignore combat" box. I've never tested it out, but it's just something that came to mind when I saw you're problem.

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The Sav's method will work if you attack him.


But he'll still flee if you start a combat near him. So you have to choices:


- Untick "Observe combat behavior"


- In the "Observe Combat Behavior" window in the actor itself, add a sit package (wich must be always valid)


This because watching fights triggers a default flee package for unaggressive people.


Also, you may want to put a sit package also on "Observe Dead Body Override"

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Thanks a lot for your suggestions


I have tried to tick only those flags in my "sit" package:


Ignore Combat

No Combat Alert


What it does ingame: when i attack people around the prisoner, he doesnt react nor flee, which is really great.

However if I attack him, it "frees" him.


Gasti i do not really understand your suggestion, sorry. There is no "observe combat behaviour" window, only a flag to be ticked.

Any other suggestion to prevent the prisoner from fleeing when attacked?

Edited by Tsewe
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Watch in the ACTOR window, not the package window.


Go in the AI packages tab and you'll see some windows.


However, my suggestion are useless since it works without them. For the last problem you can try instead putting the sit package in "combat override".

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