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need help - gamedayspassed timer script


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I have a forcegreet conversation I want to trigger two days after an NPC is taken on as a companion. My thought was to put the dialogue and timer script in their own quest, then have the quest started in the end results dialogue where the NPC agrees to go along with the player. After two days the NPC would carry out the forcegreet, then the quest would end. I'm thinking the script for this could be very simple, but I'm terrible at scripting...help? :)
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You can leave the dialogue in your main dialogue quest. You don't need to put the dialogue in the quest you make for the script unless you want it there for organizational purposes (Edit: oh, sorry I missed that you were running a quest that way; I would put the dialogue there then and you could also setstage in the dialogue results script and put the variable setting in the quest results script which would allow you to use the console to setstage and save the quest if it gets stuck in gameplay). The script running in the "dummy" quest won't care if the dialogue is there or not. (Edit: It's true that the quest won't care where the dialogue is, but you are running a quest so nevermind :tongue:)


If you want to see how to do it start to finish you can go look in Willow for an example to follow (it's exactly what you say you want; variable for script set in result script of dialogue and timer in its own quest/quest script). When you give her a skill mag to read she sets the variable in her results script. That variable then kicks off the timer in the quest script. The timer is for three days. The dialogue topic for Willow is in her main dialogue quest AWillowD and is called "AWDMagazine."


:) llama

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