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Dynamic mod for bartering from home


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I'm trying to create a mod that would allow the player to barter with any vendor they encounter directly from their home. However, where I'm struggling is in making its functionality dynamic.


Let me explain:


The simplest method that I know of would be to hard-code each vendor. For instance: Lets say I have an activator in Breezehome. This activator has a function listing every vendor in the game, but will only ShowBarterMenu for those whom the player has 'activated.' The player can 'activate' a vendor by using a custom spell on them. Simple, right? Well, it would be quite tedious for me to list every vendor, and it would still exclude custom ones.


So, what I'm trying to do, instead, is use a container as a list. To add vendors to the list, the player can use a spell that gets its targets name, creates a new item with that name, and adds that item to the list-container. The activator can then check the container, and ShowBarterMenu for each item listed.


What I want to know is if this is possible. And, if so, how?

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why not set up something like the vanilla courier but in reverse?

set up one or more npcs that come to the player location and collect the stuff

have some dialog connected to the vendor chest/barter menu


if you want to track activated npcs you could use a cloak spell or since they are vendors i would just use skse-OnmenuOpen events to track the npc and the location they are in. you can then hardcode a map with some locations and call a function to get the vendor closest to the player

just brainstorming though

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