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Scythe from Dante's Inferno


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Hi, I thought I would put in a request for a Scythe weapon. I have seen many scythe mods but they aren't really what I'm looking for. So I thought It would be cool if someone could make a scythe mod but a scythe that is similar to the one from the Dante's Inferno game. I think it would be so cool and awesome.


Oh and by the way If I am breaking the rules by requesting this or this in someone violates something please let me know so I can take it down. I have read the rules and I don't really see anything against what I am asking for, but I thought i would add this just in case I'm breaking a rule I do not know about. Thanks for your time. :)


Edit: Thanks for the reply. I get it now. I have fixed my request.

Edited by imfamousfoofy
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Taking content from one game and putting it into another is against the rules, HOWEVER, making your own content INSPIRED BY content in other games is not. IF you simply rip the scythe from Dante's Inferno, that's illegal, but if you make your own Scythe that looks like the one in Dante's Inferno, that's not.
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