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How to change save file location


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Does Vortex have a built-in method of changing the save file directory from the default {user}\documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves to a different drive?


I haven't been able to find one in the program so I am considering using the following cmd


mklink /J LinkSkyrimSaves “F:\Skyrim Se Save Files\


This worked just fine under NMM but i don't know if Vortex will play nice with it and considering the difficulties I have had with Vortex thus far I am asking first before something else breaks.



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When you create a new profile, you have the option of specifying local saves and game settings.

In that case Vortex creates profile specific directories under Saves.

I see no reason why what you propose would not work, but you are breaking new ground here.

My suggestion - try it and see. Let us know the result.

In my case, I had Windows relocate the entire Documents structure off my C: drive. I suspect that is much the same.

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Vortex has no way to change the default save-game directory, but in case you do use profile-specific save-games Vortex will add a new sub-directory per profile under documents\my games\skyrim special edition\\saves\


This means you can either re-locate Documents-directory by specifying another Location in windows, or you can use mklink.

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k, created the link and Vortex doesn't seem to mind so far.


As for profiles I can see the value in them but I never share my comp with anyone. That would be like sharing a toothbrush - you just don't do it.



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The point of Profiles in Vortex is so you can continue multiple play-throughs, or you're playing on one profile while you're setting-up a new profile, or testing a few new mods, or for that matter you develop mods.


While not so relevant with SSE since SSE already split save-games per character, for some other games even if you've only got one modded setup, you can still duplicate the profile to have separate save-games for each character you're playing.


Meaning, you're using all the profiles yourself, you're not sharing with other people.

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The single best feature of Vortex Profiles is it lets you have different mod sets.

You have a base set that you always use.

Then you have mod set 1 on top of that. Likely to break saves - so you don't want it in your base set.

Then you have another mod set 2. Those just don't play nice with anyone.


In my case, I have about 10 profiles I use on Skyrim SE.

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Just as a follow up i thought I would give the profiles feature a spin and it worked great. It does create a new set of saves which means that I had to create a new mklink for the new directory and re-edit skyrim.ini for the new link name. I would have to do this for each new profile that I create. If I want to change back to an existing profile I have to edit skyrim.ini again or I wont be able to see my saves. It would be so much easier if there was an option in vortex under Settings for a save game file path but I will make do.



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Just as a follow up i thought I would give the profiles feature a spin and it worked great. It does create a new set of saves which means that I had to create a new mklink for the new directory and re-edit skyrim.ini for the new link name. I would have to do this for each new profile that I create. If I want to change back to an existing profile I have to edit skyrim.ini again or I wont be able to see my saves. It would be so much easier if there was an option in vortex under Settings for a save game file path but I will make do.




In regard to profile saves for Skyrim SE, I also use mklink to create a soft link for my "Saves" folder. I have never had to reconfigure the .ini file each time I switched to a different profile. So I'm puzzled about why you have to.

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Just as a follow up i thought I would give the profiles feature a spin and it worked great. It does create a new set of saves which means that I had to create a new mklink for the new directory and re-edit skyrim.ini for the new link name. I would have to do this for each new profile that I create. If I want to change back to an existing profile I have to edit skyrim.ini again or I wont be able to see my saves. It would be so much easier if there was an option in vortex under Settings for a save game file path but I will make do.



Can't you just link the main save folder instead, since at least in my experience outside of Skyrim example c:\test\sub1\ works regardless of test being physically on c or if test links to d:\games\test

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