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Request: male clothing


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There are thousands of creative outfits that male players can choose to improve the look of their female characters, while US female players have very few choices for our guys. It's either a few Witcher 3 converted outfits or the awful vanilla clothes. I ask for a few nice sets of clothing for men that don't look too out of place but aren't just retextures of the ugly vanilla meshes.

No furs, no loinclothes, no skirts, no gaudy colors. Just some regular clothes that don't make my characters look like farmers all the time. I'm tired of always giving them the Dettlaff coat because nearly every other outfit looks awful.

We need a little balance anyway.

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I usually run with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5063 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5933 but if you don't like the vanilla meshes or looking like a farmer that might not work for you.

Still, adds a good bit of variety to the game in terms of outfits people walk around in and fits very well into the game.



https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4464 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4465 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4466

from the Beyond Skyrim people will tickle your fancy.

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Common clothes is one of the mods I already use for NPCs, unfortunately I really hate the vanilla meshes. They're ill-fitting at best so I don't want to see them on my characters. I hate even more the furs and skirts, in every combination. I can't believe no one is willing to make nice clothes or light armors for men in this game, when every other day you see new meshes for female outfits. I have no skills for 3D modeling so can't make them myself.
We need a little balance. Too much for girls, too little for guys. It's obvious everyone only thinks of male players.

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might i suggest using outfit studio ? there are some armors and clothes for Men that can be loaded in there, and then you just cut, paste and resize to your hearts delight.. I use it for making armors not so ridiculous (those darned wings on the shoulders must be eradicated) I even succeded in lifting some female armor parts to a Male ebony Armor making it smoother and thus, more practical.. it IS a "trial and Error" scenario but, it´s the best solutin I´ve found..

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This is what I have been using.








The last one I shared looks attractive on both male and females. It also looks good on all races. It comes in various colors and styles. Just craft each the piece you want at the forge. So, if you have multiple followers, you can give everyone their own unique style and look.

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