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So I was pretty much roaming around doing nothing but having fun, and I entered the room where you kill Harkon, and there is that statue thingy from which blood pours down, and if you turn around there is a something like a balcony, you just use the stairs to get up there, I used detect life and saw that there is someone alive behind the walls, so I tiped in tcl and went through the wall, then There was something like a divided room, more like a platform but it had walls and everything and it was separated from everything, and when I came there there was lord Harkon, AGAIN even though I killed him, so I killed him again >.< and there was also a weird looking manequin??? Did any of you see this? Is there someone on youtube who posted this, I would like to be the first :3
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Bethesda games has things like that. It's not a hidden secret or easter egg or anything, it's more of a technical thing. Pay it no heed.
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