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Corrupted savegame leading to a dead end?


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Hi all,i was playing this more or less 20 hours playthrough and suddenly(after unistalling an imprecised number of mods)fast travel to certain locations made me CTD.Also getting near sky heaven temple made me CTD.What i would like to know if this has happened to someone else than me and if there's a fix.

I tried without mods and resetting inis.Even with other characters(whom playthrough has seen also mods uninstallation before)i get CTD.

Thanks in advence to all.

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Right. No, if you have a corrupted save game, it will let you know. As in, it will complain that the save is corrupted and then drop you to desktop the moment you try to load the game.


You might try this "fix" (we used it all the time in Fallout 3):




Then save and reload. That might jog the bugs loose.

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My CTD were on fast travel,btw i took the chance to reinstall the game and make my mod story a bit clearer.

I tested mod for a few months,now i can play without making such a mess as before.

Just out of curiosity,how does the player.kill work?I think it will come useful maybe later :) ( i never used such a command in my fallout3 times but it's never too late to learn :P)

Thanks for the aswers.

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I never saw it fix anything myself, but there were a lot of reports that player.kill would fix problems with the game crashing wherever you would go. Then again, I don't recall the game ever crashing in a predictable way for me, so that's probably the explanation there.
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Here's what happened,after reinstalling,getting out of prison and making a clean save without mods,and trying with TMM 1 to travel to Karthspire(wich is my hot crash spot)everithing was fine.

I installed all the mods i needed and the crash was back.So i tried again to uninstall everithing,loading my clean save and again CTD on fast travel to Karthspire,and also by foot or horse,near that point.i really can't figure out what could be the cause.Player.kill didn't worked too.

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hmmm,ok,but i said karthspire for a reason,you're telling me this won't work,but if my problem occurred while i was near karthspire on foot and i had to go to cloud ruler temple for the quest....that means that there's no way for me to find out if is bugged as long as i can't go near that place for main quest purposes.That descourage me ...a lot

Btw i could ft to karthspire from the b eginning without installing a single mod.The mess is probably after i install a certain mod,i just have to figure out what it is i suppose.

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