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Scratch Vampire Lord Form


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Let me start off by saying that if you're like me, you're not a big fan of forms, which change the way your character plays and are barely customizable.

I would prefer that Vampirism allow me to be a vampire and still be my character, through and through. I just don't see why it's necessary to fragment my character into two totally different playstyles when they could be so nicely meshed into one.


So why not have Vampire Lords more like traditional vampires? Most of the abilities, but scratch Lord Form. Who wouldn't want to see their assassin stalk their prey with detect all creatures, fly as a swarm of bats from a dark corner, cut their mark's throat, and slip away into the mist? But unfortunately you have to just fly around looking like leatherface 2.0 stomping everything in your path with very little finesse, regardless of your character's previous inclinations and tastes.


So basically I propose vanilla vampirism with the most important Vampire Lord spells. Vampire Lord perk tree & feeding mechanic optional.

Anyone pulls that off, you'll get my kudos, my endorse, my vote and a donation at least. It's not much, but it's a start!

Edited by isra
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