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Sup folks? New to here. Well.. to posting. Been using Nexus as a registered member for a while because of Dragon Age. Spanned over to Fallout3 and New Vegas(Jesus are those games bug ridden.) recently and was pleased to see there are mods for them. Haven't found an unofficial patch for New Vegas, so decided to come here and learn how all you wonderful modders do what you do so I can try my hand at an unofficial patch and some things I wouldn't mind making personally either.


Been playing games for a long time. Long long time. I still remember when Donkey Kong stood at the top of this construct with the Princess and tossed barrels and balls of bouncing flame and stuff at you... just to give folks an idea of how long I have been playing games LoL.

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Welcome aboard. You'll find plenty of tutorials and the like around here, just take a browse around. Or try talking to one of the modders-Nexus is a very warm, friendly place, and I've found all you need to do to learn here, is ask. :thumbsup:


Donkey Kong probably had one of the most lasting legacies in gaming, he's certainly one of the most quoted characters. For example in Ghost Recon Future Soldier, when faced with a long staircase, your squadmate remarks "I feel like someone should be throwing barrels at us" and after confronting a barrel throwing alien, Duke Nukem in DNF says "Awww, I expected a monkey!" There's even a level in Kill Team(WarHammer) where a particularly large Ork throws barrels down a slope at you, albeit that instead of a princess, he's guarding a switch you need to use(typically of the Orks, the power conduit is a wall-plug the size of an SUV, controlled by an oversized lightswitch)

Edited by Vindekarr
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