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Issues with collision on custom meshes


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I tried the tutorial found here: http://www.creationkit.com/Exporting_meshes_to_Creation_Kit which has been good for everything except the collision data. I'm building a custom house, and one of the first elements I'm testing is a spiral staircase that goes up to the second floor. Because the house and the stuff inside are completely new, the chunk converter won't work. I'm currently using Blender for my needs. Is there another way to get collision data for my custom nifs? I kind of would like to see if I can actually walk up the stairs before attempting to implement them for my house. (Invisible walls suck.)


Thank you to any patient individuals who have found a process that works.

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I have used nif files before for static objects in the CK that didn't have any collision, a manual workaround would be to use the collision plane/object button on the main CK window.


(If you haven't used it they are the ones with a "C" in a square and cube)

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