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Skyrim CK Issues


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I just installed the creation Kit for Skyrim and I am total newbee to this. I got a cool mod for bows:




Want to add the bows to level lists. I successfully got to add some bows of that mod to Bandit level list by going to Items -> LeveledItems- BanditWeaponsBows (Something similar)


For Forsworns, I tried the same as above with the difference that I had to add a list of bows to LItemForswornWeaponBow, this did not work, then I found LItemForswornWeaponMissile and added LItemForswornWeaponBow as a new Form ID in it and it wroked in the game, some of the forworns were carrying the bows I wanted.


I did not get any such option for Draugrs, but I got something like '


There is an 'LItemDraugr05WeaponBowSublist', 'LItemDraugr02WeaponBowSublist', I added the bows i wanted in all these weapon bow sublists, but I could not test if it is working for me, tried many times but draugrs with bow have not come up so far, they are few in numbers anyway, could someone confirm if I am doing it right please?


...and I am totally clueless about Falmers :(. I see a 'LItemFalmerWeapon' and I had filled in the bows I want there, but no luck, I do not see any change in the bow types of the falmers that are spawned. Could someone please help me in adding to flamer level list please?


Thank you

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If you want the bows wielded by bad guys the main ones you want are,


- LItemBanditWeaponBow

- LItemDraugr02WeaponBow

- LItemDraugr05WeaponBow

- LItemDraugr05EWeaponBow (for elite ones)

- LItemForswornWeaponBow

- LItemVampireWeaponBow

- LItemWeaponBow (used a lot by the engine, will appear all over even on good NPCs)



These will determine what appears as the primary weapon, if you want to keep balance make sure to set the level the same as one with the same stats.


They will spawn depending on how you set them so if they at lv.30 and your char is lv.5 then you are unlikely to see it anywhere.

Edited by Ironman5000
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