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Nexus Mod Manager is pooping out


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I am using google chrome, and the mods won't download using nexus mod manager. This is strange because it worked yesterday fine...

I closed NMM and opened it up again. it says,


"Unable to write permissions" and says i have to move skyrim outside program files folder.

so i move my entire steam folder outside program files.


Tried to launch again, but now it says "Can not find C:\Program Files x86\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\skyrim.esp


wtf? First it tells me to move my skyrim. Now it says that it can't find skyrim? Even though i moved because they it tells me to.



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  • 4 weeks later...

It looks like you used some non steam way to move your steam - and it did not make the changes needed to the Windows Registry entries that tell windows where to find the various parts of steam and your games.

Here is the right way to move steam - :thumbsup:

How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything.


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