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Console commands..not all working


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dont know if i'm doing anythung worng or if i miss'd anything in one of the updates, but the "player.additem" commant just aint working for me...:(

i wanted to use it for the deadly dragons sets, and it didnt work, i also tried it on original itme and still get an error massage that says that the command is worng or not exsist! :Oi got atm the 1.7 version(i know i should get downdurg alrdy :S) if it helps anyone to help me...

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player.additem works just fine for me and I'm patched to 1.7 and do not have dawnguard.

UESP: Skyrim Wiki has this to say:

additem <item ID> <count> <flag (optional)> ---- Gives a character the specified amount of an item ---- E.g., player.additem 000669A5 5 will add five leeks to your player's inventory. The effects of <flag> are unknown, but it probably refers to ownership and stolen status. Changes to an NPC's inventory will usually appear immediately if you're pickpocketing them when you open the console. It is possible to remove items with this command by using negative numbers.(Item ids: Skyrim:Items)


So things to check for...

1. nothing mistyped

2. used correct ID value

3. included the number of items wanted


if any of those is not correct, then the command will not work

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