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New to skyrim and monds


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Long time gamer, but new to Skyrim. Been going through the Mod Sanctuary videos and just not sure about the game updates and the need for some of the performance mods. Specifically the 4G memory mod and running in windowed mode. Are these needed with the latest version, mine currently says 1.7.7. If you need any more info please let me know. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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I can only give you my personal experience. I'm running up-to-date Skyrim with Dawnguard on two different machines; a desktop and a laptop. Neither one really meets the recommended minimum specs, but it's very much playable on either one. I don't run any performance mods, and I run both in 1280x720 fullscreen. I do take advantage of a few ini tweaks pertaining to mouse lag, map settings, fov, and arrow accuracy. I also micromanage the options settings in the game launcher, turning off AA and other special effects like decals, turning shadows to low and setting (vanilla) textures to medium. I *do* use distance settings more akin to high settings, though (LOD clipping handles all that very well anyway..otherwise I end up with invisible enemies shooting arrows and magic at me out of nowhere).


tl;dr - no need for performance mods if you do a little research into ini settings and carefully choose your settings.



Just so you know, my desktop runs XP, with a 2GHz quad-core CPU, 3GB of RAM, and a 256MB ATI Radeon...and my laptop runs Win7 with a 2.2 GHz triple-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, and a 512MB ATI Radeon Mobility. Odd thing is, the desktop out-performs the laptop in both speed and graphics...go figure.

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Thanks for the reply, sorry for the misspelling of "mod", what a d.a., anyway what i am really asking is does the 1.4 or later patch eliminate the need for applying the 4gig memory mod as the upated patch itself corrects this problem of only being 2gig. Also it was stated that in Sanctuary #3 that the windowed version runs faster than the fullscreened version. Again any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
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I'm pretty sure the Skyrim updates solved the 2gig issues.

As for running in windowed mode, many users reported that running in windowed mode fixed stutters that seemed to occur without reason on powerful rigs. I personally never heard someone claim that it increased FPS on an already smooth running game.

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