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Vampire Head Discoloration - Doesn't Match Body


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Do any of you guys use mods that change the races in any way? I have a mod that changes race heights and i had to completely redo it when Dawnguard came out to fix the mismatched heads for vampires. I'd suggest looking through your mods as well to make sure you aren't using an outdated mod that changes races.
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Do any of you guys use mods that change the races in any way? I have a mod that changes race heights and i had to completely redo it when Dawnguard came out to fix the mismatched heads for vampires. I'd suggest looking through your mods as well to make sure you aren't using an outdated mod that changes races.


I don't. The only mods I use that alter anything about my character have been XCE, Bella's Better Females, a couple of hair and colour mods, and CBBEv3 - nothing to do with races or heights through specific mods or overhauls.


I'm tempted to do a complete reinstall of everything from scratch (it feels good to do that once in a while anyway), but I might leave it a little longer until a few more Dawnguard mods have come out, in case any one comes up with some fixes for any of these things.


In the meantime, the setrace command worked for me, I hope it works for some of you others too. I don't know if it'll change the problem with only the body colour changing if you use showracemenu in the future or not, but to just get you back to both head and body being the same colour that you were before you became a vampire, it's a quick fix.

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It doesn't work for me. Besides the skin color goes back every time i change from vampire lord to normal.


I guess while most of the modmakers keep working on bouncing breasts and skimpy armor there is no hope for this bug being fixed any time soon :(

Edited by BeastRU
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  • 1 year later...

I have 2 100% wierd salution but I have a lot of crap going in my in my real life, Please someone run with the Idea.


1 method the right way but lot work and compatibility issues Create a new Vampire Disease from scratch.(not just modded, Its own ID from Scratch, Maybe call it Sanguinare instead of Sanguinare Vampiris ) We got the animation And such. It would be a lot of work but replace all the Npc condition disease with new one, And either add script that just Changes the eyes and teeth and leaves the rest alone or build a new Vampire race from scratch, But this last step could recreate the issue unless you create a Vampire race for each race with its own Alternate Body texture and have it switch race instead of the blending it as it does now,thats the right way but the longest. Breton male vampire, Breton Female Vampire, Nord Male Vampire,Nord Female Vampire ect...


2nd method this is easiest and would Work best. It really would. But its a bit SCREWED UP AND HUGE DISK SPACE. See the thing is the Face Gen is using the old miss matching meshes and ignoring the Plugin mod. Thats the heart of the Problem .

And its not uninstalling the old Data right. Instead its mixing it, Like painting a blue over Orange in water paints. So we get Grey. it's not using folder before BSA (not all the time)


It should use folder first and what ever the plugin points to and Erase the old Face Gen Data. (two separate problems)


In a Nice world Bethesda would get off there asses and fix it.


But there busy with ESO so thats not going to happen EVER!


So how to Fix it?



Easy (and a bit scary) Edit out the Old Mesh so it CAN NOT GET CONFUSED! SO THERE ORIGINAL will not exist. to get confused.



So you create a Copy of Skyrim.esm and Edit it the Original...Or Alternatively UnPack The BSAs That have the meshes nifs dds and Replace them with Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- or what ever alternate replacer you want and repack. Delete the Face gen (generated folder)


You need to do this with each Alternate Body texture.


OR Alternatively Exstract the BSA (very big) And then copy delete the originals.


But there is a Problem.


Steam will try and FIX it if we alter the vanilla ESM or BSA..


How to fix that?


Create new renamed Skyrim.esm and say called Skyrim CBBS WITH its own BSAs with there own names that would be like CBBS Meshes

But hey I told you it would be screwed up. Now you just uncheck Skyrim...

A big down side is all your other mods will need to be written to used the renamed master. (yes this sucks) maybe a 3rd party tool could be made to do all this?



Ok there got be a better way than this but I am to tired right now to think it but I hope my ridiculous but perfectly working Idea helps someone come up with a better one.

Edited by dragonsouce
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Okay, I had this same problem with my wood elf. I was using Bella's face mod, plus CBBE. I tried so many workarounds, installing various mods that said they would fix it, I did the renaming of the 2 .dds files, everything, but none of it stopped my face being really dark, and my body being lighter.


But I fixed it. This might work for you. It's very, very simple.


1) Open the console

2) Type: player.setrace woodelfrace (replacing 'woodelf' with your original race) - upon hitting enter, you should see everything change back to how you were before you became a vampire

3) Type: player.setrace woodelfracevampire (again, using your own race) - and upon hitting enter, the only change you should see is in the possible slight height difference being a vampire introduces

4) Close the console, be happy


I hope that works for others. I haven't had a chance to play for long after doing it, so I'm not sure if it'll 'stick' after lots of various vampirational behaviours :tongue: but we shall see.


I tried this on a dark elf with a custom body mod, but used showracemenu to fiddle with the skin tone after changing to the non vampire race. When I switched back to the vampire race, the skin tones stayed the same. Seemed to work for me.

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  • 6 months later...

I have this problem. I became a vampire and my skin was then pale, so I went into showracemenu to make my character more tanned like they had been before I turned into a vampire, but the head remained pale. =/


Just the other day I was a vampire with my normal skin tone and it was fine. I had to cure it in order to buy a crossbow from the dawnguard, but when I went back to becoming a vampire I somehow ran into this problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...



100% working Dawnguard patch



you may have seen something like this on many mods that make you think that simple change of female human heads to vampire heads will fix this but does not really work the reason is that Dawnguard.bsa forces the heads back to the unly ducken head and color. what you may need to do is make a patch or a mod that will replace the dawnguard head with Custom body head Like cbbe Unpb,Unp or any custom body. this is a very techi like how to fix this but it long and hard. but may it into easy steps . with paths to follow. . oh should note that you USKP patches for the dawnguard and other dlc must be remove for this two work


. . not my english is not good sorry in advanced




Alright let get start





update and fix



Step one .


Find a custom body like CBBE V3 Or UNPB tbbp body ...............any custom body will work long as it has custom head.






Once install your custom body. move on two step two of this how to



Step two


ready or not. once you have the body installed you need to go into folder and find the heads you need to delete/rename/replace.


you be looking for this path







delete the following files if you found them
- femaleheadvampire.dds
- femaleheadvampire_msn.dds

then 'copy' the following files from the same folder
- femalehead.dds
- femalehead_msn.dds

then paste it on your desktop or a folder where you it is

then rename them from:
- femalehead.dds -> femaleheadvampire.dds
- femalehead_msn.dds -> femaleheadvampire_msn.dds


place them back into your custom body folder


Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-\textures\actors\character or data\textures\actors\character\female



Step 3


this is the hard part of this how to fix thingy. about to get techi......


Let talk little about the following BSA. Dawnguard.bsa Has a folder with vampire heads . bsa is telling the game to force load the face gen from dawnguard.bsa giving youthe head with ugly duckly and the npc around you . there is a way around to fix this...


what you need to do is unpack the Dawnguard.bsa with an tool like BSAopt . once it download open the file.



from there you need to find the bsa in your data folder of skyrim




Now unpack the bsa make sure you unpack in a other folder where you can find. will take little bit of time to unpack Dawnguard. bsa







Detete these

- femaleheadvampire.dds
- femaleheadvampire_msn.dds


Replace these with from your custom body path





- femaleheadvampire.dds
- femaleheadvampire_msn.dds


(make sure you say Yes to so will be overwriten)


Step four! almost done.






you could detele other folders other then the ones you wanted to have . that way you could make a Dawnguard Patch out of the custom body heads. oh make sure you name like Unpb Dawnguard patch or CBBE Dawnguard patch





Step five! patch time!



once you have your new custom dawnguard patch folder you just made . you need to used program like winrar or Zip 7. to zip or packed back into a file you can use.


now you need mod manger like NMM or Mod Organizer or wirebash to install the new dawnguard patched . move the patch under Dawnguard.bsa


the Load order should be something like this





Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- or any custom body mod

CBBE- Dawnguard patched


Lauch the game!!


you are now done!




Step 6 optional not lored friendly


if you really want to make your npc and player look very sexy. you need few things to make them look better fisrt up you need VTF- Vampire Texture Framework . so you wont be getting neck seem. next up is Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females and Males -Most Body Types Supported- make sure you get the body type texture you need


Now Installed VTF- Vampire Texture Framework. once your done with that you need to find the folder patch for VTF- Vampire Texture Framework


VTF- Vampire Texture Framework\data\textures\VTF\


then copy the Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females and Males from



\Porcelain Skin- CBBE Basic\data\textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks\

\Porcelain Skin- CBBE Basic\data\textures\actors\character\female\


then paste the teztures into ( make sure you say Yes to so will be overwriten )



VTF- Vampire Texture Framework\data\textures\VTF\


after your done the folder path should look like this


VTF- Vampire Texture Framework\textures\actors\character\character assets

VTF- Vampire Texture Framework\textures\actors\character\female




the mods you need for step 6 is



VTF- Vampire Texture Framework


Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females and Males



If you want to you can also install Foxy Skyrim. an mod that overhauls all npc's in the game to look better. also use this with VTF- Vampire Texture Framework and Porcelain Skin mod.



Foxy Skyrim


make sure you say Yes to everything



Once more your done


One Note on this fix these do not work with Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard Patch and Unofficial Hearthfires Patch. reason is they have the female vampire head. these also force Dawnguard.bsa to load the vampire face on all npc's and player



credits for these mods



Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Caliente

BSAopt - Bethesda Archive Management and Optimization by Ethatron

VTF- Vampire Texture Framework by SableDrake

Porcelain Pale Vampire Skin For Females and Males -Most Body Types Supported- by MissShazira

Foxy Skyrim - A vanilla npc overhaul by LogicFoxX

Edited by stigma311
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