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Apply bloody effects to NPC?

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I want to apply blood effects to my companion NPC as part of one of her scripted attacks.

The idea is that she returns basically 'blood soaked' for a while.


I've been searching to see how normal effects are applied, but they seemed to be linked to bodyparts data and damages.

I don't want to damage the NPC, just basically 'cover her in blood' for a while.


I'm thinking I'm on the right track with 'ApplySpell' but I don't really know how to proceed from there.

Does anyone have tips for me, so I know in which direction to look?

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I solved this by making a potion with a magic effect, that has a scripted effect spawning a blood explosion.

It also applies blood effects to the NPC, fading out over time. I equip the potion when it's time for the NPC to be soaked in blood after the special attack.

Edited by Reginald001
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