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Feedback on the forum rules


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Disclaimer: I'm not trying to start a discussion about the forum rules, please respect this intent and don't turn the thread into something it wasn't meant to be. The only reason I'm posting here is because the original thread is locked and this seemed the best place to me.



Hi gang!


So I read the forum rules (see link above) and with all due respect but... I really hope you don't mind me suggesting this. Thing is: I read that thread and it really looks dated. I'm pretty sure it works for you guys, not trying to deny that, but I just wanted to give my own feedback on the whole thing.


As such I hope you don't mind me sharing my approach:


Welcome newbies!


Whether you're new to using forums or a very casual poster please take the time to read through this post so that you'll understand how we like things to work around Nexus.


1 - Keep it family friendly!


This forum is a place for players of all ages to talk about pretty much everything that has to do with gaming. When it comes to gaming some players often focus on the latest and greatest specs and sometimes even show a bit of disdain for players who don't have the most up to date hardware.


Please don't!


2 - Quality over quantity!


Quantity doesn't make quality. Don't try to boast on these forums, please respect the fact that there are also plenty of players who still enjoy games such as Morrowind.


This even applies to these very forums: don't think that having a higher post count makes your comments any more valuable than those of a new poster.


3 - Don't spam


What is spam you ask?

  • Posting oneliners. For example: replying to a thread with: "Hey!", "yeah", "lol", "nah", etc.
  • Posting the same post in different treads to try and gain attention.
  • Posting something that has nothing to do with the original thread.
  • Posting in a thread with the only intent to "BUMP" it (BUMP => Bring Up My Post, so trying to put the thread on top of the forum).
  • Posting links to your own sites (or "off site comments") with the sole intent to get people to visit all that.

4 - Don't flame on Nexus


Don't post generally insulting or disrespectful comments towards another member of the Nexus community. For example: just because you don't agree with someone doesn't give you the right to call them an idiot, that can be considered flaming.


Don't make it personal!


It's perfectly fine to disagree with someone, but you disagreeing with someone does not give you the right to start calling them names!


5 - We don't like trolls


Deliberately posting comments which don't help anyone and are only meant to invoke players to comment in dislike of your post is not appreciated. Don't post stuff when you can easily know up front that it might trigger people to share their dislike. No one wants flame fests here (see point 4 for flames).


6 - Don't necro threads!


If a thread hasn't had any new posts in over a month you should consider it dead. Don't quote someone to ask them to explain their post, it adds nothing to the thread as it was. Also don't post if your comment doesn't add anything useful (while everyone appreciates positive feedback it honestly doesn't help just to post "thanks" to a thread which had long been abandoned).


7 - Do not hijack threads


When someone asks a question then they hope to get answers for that. Do not abuse the thread by trying to goat people into helping you to solve your own issues; a thread is first and foremost about the original poster ("OP"), not you.


8 - Don't steal reviews


Don't copy someone elses work on Nexus while pretending that it is your own. For example a review written by someone else. Not only is this a form of theft, it also goes against the idea of reviewing: remember point 2! The idea is to share your opinion, not just copy someone elses. That only adds up to spam.


9 - Don't mini-mod


If you see someone breaking the rules then please click the 'report' button to alert Nexus staff, don't try to "correct" things yourself by commenting to tell the poster how they broke the rules.


The problem here is that if the poster is a notorious offender they'll try to challenge you and that can only lead to flame fests and worse. No one wants that. Just report, ignore and move on!


10 - One account per player


Don't try to register multiple accounts, there is absolutely no need for that. If you think you need to 'hide' your writing by using another account then it's probably not worth sharing in the first place. It even may result in the removal of your account entirely!


The only exception to this rule are Nexus staff who sometimes need "regular" accounts (= accounts without modding privileges) to test these forums.


Please respect these 10 Nexus commandments.



Do with this as you deem fit.

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Hi ShelLuser,

Thanks for the feedback. The topic you linked is very old and could do with some updates, although generally we reference to our Forum and Commenting Guidelines for etiquette on the site. The topic may still have merit though, as some of the points are more specifically geared to the forum.

I'll definitely do a proper comparison of that topic, your suggestions and our current guidelines to make sure all the bases are covered.

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I'll definitely do a proper comparison of that topic, your suggestions and our current guidelines to make sure all the bases are covered.


Thanks, appreciate the feedback. As I said above: I hope this can help you guys out a bit somehow :)

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