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Performance Issue *pretty please help*


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Hello everyone i had a chance to install new vegas to my computer.I have a decent vaio with 4gb ram and i5 processor and nvidia 425m graphic card(i know not cool).I am a Fallout fanatic and i played fallout fallout 2 and didnt have the chance to start latest fallout games cause my old pc couldnt run them but i gave a chance with my laptop and i think my laptop can handle them.


The problem is even i could be able to run Skyrim with some tweaks and nvidia control panel options smoothly but i cant seem to manage same thing with New Vegas also dont have no idea how to tweak it for better performance.My problem is sometimes game stutters for half seconds and i really donno what causes it.I tweaked 4gb ram usage but i dont know if its helping or doing reverse.I am a total newbie at getting better performance with New Vegas any help is TOTTALY appriciated.I really but really am a fanatic of Fallout and if you help me get a smoother performance(i cant afford to upgrade or get new computer so please dont mention it)i will pray for you even i dont even beleive in god ! :)


Something makes game UNSMOOTH even i close antristropic filtering x2 same.Cant find a way to solve it.


What should i do ?I could play Skyrim with nice graphics and nice fps with tweaks so i think it maybe the same with this game too.I AM DESPERATE for your help!I dont know what to change from Nvidia control panel options also.Or what mod to download for performance if any.Or maybe some tweaks in ini file which wont ruin the graphics that much.So obsessed with it and waiting fellow communities help! Cheers!

Edited by tionblack
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This guide helped me.



I use these mods. They've helped reduce stuttering quite a bit.


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34832 *Might want to change your config file's max fps to your average, mine is at 60.


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41381 *Can decrease stuttering*


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46074 *Awesome if you use a lot of mods*


I dont use this but you might want to consider it if the guide and mods dont help.




In Nvidia control pannel:

Make sure FXAA is disabled

"Antialiasing - Transparency" to "Multisampling" or "OFF" Multisamping will look better but reduce performance - Supersampling is higher performance

"Texture Filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization" to OFF

"Texture Filtering" to Performance or High Performance

"Power Management Mode" should be at "Prefer Maximum Performance"

Make sure "Tripple Buffering" and "Threaded Optimization" are turned ON

Just leave everything else as "Application-Controlled" where it applies



Lower your in-game graphics settings as needed.

Update all of your drivers.

Defrag your harddrive.

Overclock if you can.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks a lot first of all for your message.Ive ınstalled sttutter remover and the scrıpt mod whıch ıt needs.WHICH exe do i need to run to make sttuter remover active?Wıth Launch NVSE? or just regular new vegas exe? or does it matter?And from nvidia control panel what should i choose as PHYSX option?GPU or CPU.I changed the thıngs as you saıd ın the control panel and LEFT the REST as it was but not all of them are ''applıcatıon controlled'' as you said will it matter?And the TWEAK l,ink you posted confused me lıke hell which ones are essential?ım no expert so ı dıdnt try to apply that tweak guıdes ways.If you lend me a hand ıll be glad!
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Thanks a lot first of all for your message.Ive ınstalled sttutter remover and the scrıpt mod whıch ıt needs.WHICH exe do i need to run to make sttuter remover active?Wıth Launch NVSE? or just regular new vegas exe? or does it matter?And from nvidia control panel what should i choose as PHYSX option?GPU or CPU.I changed the thıngs as you saıd ın the control panel and LEFT the REST as it was but not all of them are ''applıcatıon controlled'' as you said will it matter?And the TWEAK l,ink you posted confused me lıke hell which ones are essential?ım no expert so ı dıdnt try to apply that tweak guıdes ways.If you lend me a hand ıll be glad!


Yeah launch FNV with nvse_loader.exe or with steam ( clicking play within the steam ui ) FNV doesnt support physx so it doesnt matter. The things that are application controlled you'll want to tweak as needed within the FNV launcher( anti-aliasing for example ) Pretty much all of those ".ini tweaks" are essential if you ask me...

Make sure these lines are added or changed:


uInterior Cell Buffer=16

uExterior Cell Buffer=102












Add these lines under the [Controls] section if your mouse sensitivity seems really high in the menus






I would wait and try the stutter remover after you do these things; you may be fine without it. Just move the NVSE folder to the desktop then move it back when u want to use it again. Remember to change the max fps setting in the NVSR configuration file to something you find playable; 30 is too low for me.


Let me know if you need clarification or encounter any problems.

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Thanks a lot first of all for your message.Ive ınstalled sttutter remover and the scrıpt mod whıch ıt needs.WHICH exe do i need to run to make sttuter remover active?Wıth Launch NVSE? or just regular new vegas exe? or does it matter?And from nvidia control panel what should i choose as PHYSX option?GPU or CPU.I changed the thıngs as you saıd ın the control panel and LEFT the REST as it was but not all of them are ''applıcatıon controlled'' as you said will it matter?And the TWEAK l,ink you posted confused me lıke hell which ones are essential?ım no expert so ı dıdnt try to apply that tweak guıdes ways.If you lend me a hand ıll be glad!


Yeah launch FNV with nvse_loader.exe or with steam ( clicking play within the steam ui ) FNV doesnt support physx so it doesnt matter. The things that are application controlled you'll want to tweak as needed within the FNV launcher( anti-aliasing for example ) Pretty much all of those ".ini tweaks" are essential if you ask me...

Make sure these lines are added or changed:


uInterior Cell Buffer=16

uExterior Cell Buffer=102












Add these lines under the [Controls] section if your mouse sensitivity seems really high in the menus






I would wait and try the stutter remover after you do these things; you may be fine without it. Just move the NVSE folder to the desktop then move it back when u want to use it again. Remember to change the max fps setting in the NVSR configuration file to something you find playable; 30 is too low for me.


Let me know if you need clarification or encounter any problems.




Again thank you for your interest about this matter,really much appritiated i was playing with stutter remover but now ill remove it and give it a try with those command first.(Btw hell i have hard times with ammo types with guns lol!I took perk Grunt and now im going for Cowboy ((i dont know if it is a good idea your advice is also needed here but i wanna be a gun master so i thought of getting them.))the thing is all my stats are godly exept str its 4 lol! ill get weapon handling means i can use str 6 weps and if i get lucky to find power armor ill have 8 str which is enough for bozar or sniper or etc tho i am thinking if starting with low str like 3 was a bad idea.ALSO I have a obsessed deciding problem on CASSY in party or not.She is that drunk girl well she isnt that vital but will she suck using guns?and any way to see companion stats?)



Ill try those command lines now AND BTW do you know what are those weird lines at the edge of the buildings or textures called? like broken lines,when you lower graphics setup it seems it improves fps but i got such thing i just wanna know what its named.Well im euphorical as always sorry for lots of weird questions !






PS:BTW You didnt tell under what topic i add those command ! PLEASE important ! :)

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Also when i was tweaking Skyrim i heard if you start game from launcher it resets the ini file is it the same here? when i removed the stutter removal plugin will i still run the game from NVSE exe? or does it matter? please enlighten me what should i do to these ini tweaks take effect or how can i know if they are applied to game any way to see in game?





BTW ! I disabled the stutter remover and added those commands and now i guess its a bit worse but i dont know how to tell everything works ok but some feeling you know its not smooth and i really think my computer can handle the game but i just dont know the tricky solution to it.Maybe nvidia control panel maybe i dunno .GAH SO CONFUSING !






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for simple ini tweaks u can use this http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40442 Read the description on options in the tool before u make changes! (haz declaration what can improve the performance/remove stutter and what can cause crash!)


also turn off the AV scanner and system FW can remove stutter. i think ur stutter is normal with ur fx card (low ram) u can try lowres textures to free the fx ram, lower the LOD settings (is easy with the configurator tool, also haz multithreaded settings)


turn off V-sync and FPSCLAMP (if it on)

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for simple ini tweaks u can use this http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40442 Read the description on options in the tool before u make changes! (haz declaration what can improve the performance/remove stutter and what can cause crash!)


also turn off the AV scanner and system FW can remove stutter. i think ur stutter is normal with ur fx card (low ram) u can try lowres textures to free the fx ram, lower the LOD settings (is easy with the configurator tool, also haz multithreaded settings)


turn off V-sync and FPSCLAMP (if it on)


THANKS for answering!Ill do as you said.And i wanna ask what şs FPSCLAMP where can i close it?And what about multithreaded thing?I donno what they do so how should i set it up?SHOULD i use that addon with STUTTER REMOVER Addon?!!!




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fpsclamp is a option in fonv if u have this on and u have frame drops ingame then the game will slower to.


the multithreaded option is the same what tionblack said (bUseThreadedBlood=1 and so on) but u can easy change this with the ini configurator tool i linked before without editing the ini files direct.


this threaded options allowed fonv to use multiple cpu cores for those settings. this can remove stutter this tool haz also other switches u can try to reduce stutter.


and yes i think u can use this alongside with the stutter plugin if u mind the ini settings for this.

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