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Oblivion either crashes on new game, or isn't responsive


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Does LOOT allow you to set something like BOSS's User Rules?


Seems very strange to me that it would set the timestamp to identical values, even if it didn't recognise the mods (BOSS always puts unrecognised mods at the end of the load order).


Something else to check is how you are starting LOOT ... from within Wrye Bash or from the desktop. If you start it from the desktop and then start Wrye Bash to rebuild the bashed patch you'll need to turn off Lock Load Order (but you can leave that turned on if you run LOOT from within WB).


I think that your crashing is from a new issue ... you solved the original issue but then created a new one, so you went from crashing because of problem A to crashing from problem B.

I have been running loot from desktop, but I don't see the option to turn off lock load order. Not sure how I would check if I could set LOOT iike BOSS's user rules either. Strangely enough, looking back to my last sucessful save game, I didn't have that missing master from before either, so I'm not sure why I was able to run the game before, or what's keeping me from running it now. I know if I delete the oblviion.ini in documents, the game loads, but basically gives me a garbled looking character creation screen when I hit new game, so I'm not sure what that's about, but it changes all my font and stuff too, so there are some edits that I need to keep from there, but I'm not sure why deleting it actually allows me to load the game, or if there is any connection.

Edited by shadowlinkos
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If you are running a UI mod like Darn plus Oblivion Reloaded you need to do things in a certain order for them to work and have fonts set up correctly in Oblivion.ini (or so I've read ... don't use either myself, search in the Bevilx mod comments for details).


Locking the load order is found in the WB Mods tab context menu. If you are running LOOT from the desktop then turn Lock Load Order off in WB (it's a toggle, so no check mark is off).

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If you are running a UI mod like Darn plus Oblivion Reloaded you need to do things in a certain order for them to work and have fonts set up correctly in Oblivion.ini (or so I've read ... don't use either myself, search in the Bevilx mod comments for details).


Locking the load order is found in the WB Mods tab context menu. If you are running LOOT from the desktop then turn Lock Load Order off in WB (it's a toggle, so no check mark is off).

Okay, so lock load order was off. So that doesn't appear to be an issue. Everything is set up correctly in the ini at the moment for darnified ui, since the text is appearing just fine.


Edit: Not sure if this is significant or not, but when I open data files in the oblivion launcher it seems to be organized alphabetically and not by load order. Not sure if that's significant or not.

Edited by shadowlinkos
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Can't really think of anything else to suggest.


I'm an old BOSS dinosaur myself so I can't give much direct advice about LOOT, but I do know that all of the newer versions of Wrye Bash need to use LOOT for load order as support for BOSS was dropped quite a few versions ago. Maybe somebody who knows LOOT will have some ideas.


My original comment about the missing master was aimed at Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp should be below Book Jackets Oblivion.esp (I know diddly about either but the names suggest that to me) ... again maybe somebody who actually knows will drop in and comment.

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Can't really think of anything else to suggest.


I'm an old BOSS dinosaur myself so I can't give much direct advice about LOOT, but I do know that all of the newer versions of Wrye Bash need to use LOOT for load order as support for BOSS was dropped quite a few versions ago. Maybe somebody who knows LOOT will have some ideas.


My original comment about the missing master was aimed at Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp should be below Book Jackets Oblivion.esp (I know diddly about either but the names suggest that to me) ... again maybe somebody who actually knows will drop in and comment.

I tried putting book jackets oblivion BP underneath the original esp, and still no dice sadly. Thanks for your help though, hopefully someone else might have something to suggest, because I'm stumped for sure.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Missing master ... Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp is above it's master.

I have BP deactivated though, and nothing popped up when I ran LOOT.

There is another thing you can check your loadorder for missing masters and that's the Mod Checker button in Wrye Bash to the left at the bottom.


Click on that button then click on the "Copy Text" button and paste your entire loadorder, sorted in either BOSS or LOOT, into your post.


Doing that will give you the information you need to know about what mod(s) has a missing master.


Since you use Wrye Bash. Could you please post your loadorder, shown in a picture (click on the Mod List button then on the Copy Text button and paste your loadorder in your post) how to do that? :smile:


I don't think you need edit Oblivion.ini, instead I think you need to reset the Abomb, in the Saves tab, for the most recent used gamesaves as I suspect a gamesave(s) may have been corrupt and needs to be fixed.


Select one gamesave at the time then right click and click on the Reset Abomb command plus it wouldn't hurt to check if a gamesave(s) is bloated. Which is known to cause a CTD.

Would that affect a new game as well though? Because I’m getting crashes when it’s loading a new game too. I’ll do what you said when I get home, but can type see my load order from the pictures I included? I’m not sure if I did it right.

Yes, it will affect a new game and actually that's the best result when one wants to solve a crashing game. However, if you're referring to Abomb then no since you need to create a new save when starting a new game.


I also checked your posted loadorder and notice that the Bookplacing.esm needs to be updated from 1.0 to 2.0 IIRC. Also, there might be other mods as well that needs to be updated.

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