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Trade Run Caravan Mod - Is this even possible?


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TO ALL ABLE MODDERS and to those WHO LIKE THE IDEA. Feel free to share any input about this Mod Talk. You can always leave a comment. Thank you.




I just have a question about modding possibilities. I use to play this game they call Silkroad Online and one of the features of the game is that it allows you to do a Trade Run. What you do is to rent a Cow, Donkey, Horse or Camel and pack it with goods and bring it from one town's trader to another town's trader. It sounds easy but the challenge is you are going to be weighed by bandits, thieves and marauders who would challenge you in every turn. And of course, the only option is to fight your way through the next town. What's more is that the plenty and costly your goods are, the more you will be challenged. This is a great way to earn caps and experience.


As I play Fallout New Vegas, I have thought of this as a possibilities, there are so many Outpost out there where you can do a trade run. Is there a Mod like this before? or is there a possibility for this to be made using the tools out there? It would be interesting if it is possible. This concept is nothing new, if you remember in Fallout 2 you can do a trade run from Redding to any Reno, NCR and Vault 23. However, back then you are just a body guard and not really the one responsible for the Trade Run.


There are a lot of Brahmin Mods out there, and I have tried using a mod where 3 Brahmins will follow you at the same time (i just forgot the name of the modder). This is the time when I realize that a Trade Run or Caravan Run Mod can be made ingame.


If this mod is possible, is it also possible to hire bodyguards with variety (expensive yet reliable, cheap but can be dependable by the numbers). I know these questions are too much to ask but thank you for even considering the idea of answering these questions.


Trading Post should be placed in key locations like, trading post should be in


1. Goodsprings

2. Mojave Outpost

3. Nipton (At least outside, just a little way pass the railway going to Novac since the town is destroyed and it will be non lore friendly)

4. Novac

5. Route 188 (One of my favorite places)

6. The Crimson Caravan


There are two things that people would find inconsistent here.


A. Why can't they just run from Goodsprings straight to Crimson Caravan? and

B. Are they suppose to go through those advance location when they are still low level?


To solve this issue and to improve the game mechanics;


1. The brahmin caravan will never run even if you run. This way the feel of really running a brahmin trade run will not be ruined.

(The boredom of walking will be solved by random encounters. Blood pumping, gun toting, cowboy style action)


2. The Checkpoint System; which simply increases the value of your goods by a percent everytime you pass by the outpost in your route. (This means if all the mod goods you purchased from the first trading post cost 2000caps, each time you do a checkpoint in the outpost of your route, your goods will increase its turn-in or selling value by 20%. So if you do a check-point with a trading officer with all 6 outpost, the value of your goods will increase by 120% making it 4400caps [this is just a figure amount since that is a big amount of money and might destroy the game by having so much caps. At least the value should be enough to pay the bodyguards you hire and the amount of ammo and supply you will need to get to your next destination]. This rule will null the idea of going from Goodsprings straight to the end post which is The Crimson Caravan since there will be no point in trading a good that will only be appraised for 20% its value. The player will then be on a losing end since she will be hiring bodyguards and other expenses)


3. The Trade Company will not allow you to do a trade run to the next outpost if you haven't been there before.

(Since the story line would force you to go from Goodsprings -> Mojave Outpost -> Niption -> Novac -> Route 188 and The Crimson Caravan, it would just be right to have this rule on this mod so that no player would just go from Goodsprings to The Crimson Caravan via a direct route. I envision the trade route in line to how the game forces you to pass through these locations.


I hope that this is allowed but I have tried to create a screenshot of how I envision the Brahmin Caravan Trade Run using Arcoolka's Real Time Settler. Actually this idea came into mind when I played Real Time Settler and I tried to do guard the brahmin caravan that trades good with the Mojave. I didn't know that they can actually make it on their own. It also hope that using photobucket.com is allowed in this forum, please don't ban me if it is not allowed.




I hope that you (Mod Masters) can reply to this post. Thank you very much.



Edited by CrameKnight
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Yes, Everytime an encounter is done, the Brahmin would simply go back to following its owner. Adding a questline about the trade company is brilliant Ladez. I have a link on how it would look like at the end of this reply. Edited by CrameKnight
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You know what crameknight... when I read your post, it made me think it is impossible to be done but seeing your detailed plan on how it is going to be and the pictures you posted too made me think that this is an awesome idea.


If i can do this I will take the time to work on it but I just appreciate mods or download them I haven't really done any mods yet. I hope this reply is okay since you are looking for experienced moders. The Idea is really brilliant I hope someone who is good with modding gets this. However, is it okay if someone does this and name it after them? or are you planning to do this yourself?

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Good question hehehe. :biggrin:


Well to if I am really good with modding I would mind about having it named after me since I will be the one to do it. But since I don't know how to mod, I really don't mind if someone who knows how to do this creates the mod. After all, it is going to be that person who is going to painstakingly do it. If my name would be mentioned as to how this mod is conceptualized, that would be enough. And as of now I don't think will be upto this challange good sir. But okay, to avoid any form of intimidation about using the concept, let me make a post that would free them from any kind of trouble.


To any modders out there, feel free to use the idea and to do this mod. I would appreciate anyone using this concept.

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Ladez and MojaveWarrior


The person who made the Brahmin Caravan I used to download before is devinpatterson and the name of his mod is DIY Caravan WIP. His Mod gave me an idea of this kind of Trade Run. He replied to my MOD Request a while back and I hope we get a response from him since he asked for the concept of this Brahmin Caravan Trade Run. This is good news.

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Oh Goodness Jeux!!! The concept is almost the same. Wow, have you played Silkroad Online before? because this is where I first experienced running a caravan guild. We have real player bodyguards to protect us from bandits. I have also thought about the idea that Fallout New Vegas is about a Courier whose life is about going through the dangers of the wasteland on a day to day basis and a Mod like this is so perfect with the "Lore" itself.


Just like what I previously said, this is nothing new to the fallout universe since in Fallout 2 you can be a caravan guard in Redding going to NCR, Reno, and Vault City.


Oh well, I just wish someone can do something like this mate.

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