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Trade Run Caravan Mod - Is this even possible?


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I agree. Few people actually walk around the worldspaces in the fallout/elder scrolls games for prolonged periods of time. Interesting encounters take place when you choose not to fast travel all the time. It proves for a more immersing experience, though it can be tedious and boring at times. But then again, what does that say about the player? Do we wish to be demigods in comparison with the rest of the characters in the game where we can jump from one side of the worldspace to the other with a click of the pipboy button? Or solve quests faster than it takes a mercenary npc to complete his travel AI package from Novac to Freeside?


Mods like Increased Wasteland Spawns and whatever else that increases the "activity" in the wasteland is always nice. But what about the player experience, for himself or herself? I realized that traveling with some kind of "company" trying to reach "some destination" always brings out the best adventure experiences in any forms of media. Think about it. Heck, that's why people love traveling with companions as they complete quests.


And that experience is enhanced when you either have something dear to lose or the odds are against your traveling company. This is why I had thought an in-depth caravan mod would have been great for Fallout: New Vegas. Through random scripted sequences/encounters, one could make the player respect the harsh wasteland when they actually have to take a step back, stop playing demigod a la "the player", and focus on protecting someone else (the merchant, or if you ARE the merchant, then your merchandise).



Unfortunately, I came up with this idea when I had first started modding. Of course, I have the skills to make it happen now (and then some), but I'm pretty caught up with another modding project at the moment. I would still like to see something come out of this idea, though, if the community responds well enough to it.

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How can I make the community know the concept or the idea? I want to capture something in game and make it a video. If you are aware of Arcoolka's RTS capabilities to start an uncontrolled brahmin caravan, I use to follow the caravan from Mojave Drive In (which is where I place my settlement) to Crimson Caravan. Capturing it and making it a video is still a far cry to the concept that you and devinpatterson have but at least the concept is there. With a few random encounters here and there by default mobs like the Powder Gangers, Fiends and a few Legion Scouts I bet they would see how awesome this mod could be.
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....How about this.


You create an in-depth design document (such as google docs) containing all the ideas that we have presented so far, well organized and informative. You then include a section for random ideas/game mechanics that could make the mod that much more interesting.


Should this idea attract any other "capable" modders, I'd be more than willing to work on this project as long as it does not become too "large". Depth, I am not concerned about, as it can be a gradual effort and scripting/AI packages will not be too troublesome. But the ideas need to be laid out, and I will not do it alone. I have a project of my own that I need to attend to.



I also know a handful of voice actors who could get the NPCs voiced, creating a heap of interesting quests that are special from the common convoy missions. Just a thought.

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Trading Post should be placed in key locations like, trading post should be in


1. Goodsprings

2. Mojave Outpost

3. Nipton (At least outside, just a little way pass the railway going to Novac since the town is destroyed and it will be non lore friendly)

4. Novac

5. Route 188 (One of my favorite places)

6. The Crimson Caravan


There are two things that people would find inconsistent here.


A. Why can't they just run from Goodsprings straight to Crimson Caravan? and

B. Are they suppose to go through those advance location when they are still low level?


To solve this issue and to improve the game mechanics;


1. The brahmin caravan will never run even if you run. This way the feel of really running a brahmin trade run will not be ruined.

(The boredom of walking will be solved by random encounters. Blood pumping, gun toting, cowboy style action)


2. The Checkpoint System; which simply increases the value of your goods by a percent everytime you pass by the outpost in your route. (This means if all the mod goods you purchased from the first trading post cost 2000caps, each time you do a checkpoint in the outpost of your route, your goods will increase its turn-in or selling value by 20%. So if you do a check-point with a trading officer with all 6 outpost, the value of your goods will increase by 120% making it 4400caps [this is just a figure amount since that is a big amount of money and might destroy the game by having so much caps. At least the value should be enough to pay the bodyguards you hire and the amount of ammo and supply you will need to get to your next destination]. This rule will null the idea of going from Goodsprings straight to the end post which is The Crimson Caravan since there will be no point in trading a good that will only be appraised for 20% its value. The player will then be on a losing end since she will be hiring bodyguards and other expenses)


3. The Trade Company will not allow you to do a trade run to the next outpost if you haven't been there before.

(Since the story line would force you to go from Goodsprings -> Mojave Outpost -> Niption -> Novac -> Route 188 and The Crimson Caravan, it would just be right to have this rule on this mod so that no player would just go from Goodsprings to The Crimson Caravan via a direct route. I envision the trade route in line to how the game forces you to pass through these locations.


I hope that this is allowed but I have tried to create a screenshot of how I envision the Brahmin Caravan Trade Run using Arcoolka's Real Time Settler. Actually this idea came into mind when I played Real Time Settler and I tried to do guard the brahmin caravan that trades good with the Mojave. I didn't know that they can actually make it on their own. It also hope that using photobucket.com is allowed in this forum, please don't ban me if it is not allowed.




Thanks for the reply good sir.

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Trading Post should be placed in key locations like, trading post should be in


Sounds good, might also be interesting (in the future) to expand the route past the long 15. The was a mod that did that with a new worldspace (not the long 15 worldspace from lonesome road), I'll try to find it, maybe he'll let us use it. It would certainly save time, as I remember it being fleshed out surprisingly well.


A. Why can't they just run from Goodsprings straight to Crimson Caravan?....The Checkpoint System; which simply increases the value of your goods by a percent everytime you pass by the outpost in your route.


Honestly I think the checkpoint system will be incentive enough. We don't want the restrictions to be too blatantly artificial, and stopping by each trade route increasing profit, will be naturally intuitive to players. It's a good idea and would probably be sufficient in itself.


1. The brahmin caravan will never run even if you run.


I'd recommend simple encumbrance on this point. So assuming you want to make the maximum amount of cash, your going to have to carry the maximum amount of wares and that encumbrance will force the brahmin to walk. This will introduce a new game mechanic and strategy. If I go heavy, I'll be slower and will probably need to hire more guards and supplies. If I go light, I won't need as many guards and supplies, but won't make as much cash. Some routes will favor one or the other strategy.


3. The Trade Company will not allow you to do a trade run to the next outpost if you haven't been there before.


Sounds good, although I think we should have the option for the player to privately own his own caravan (maybe after a few missions, or when/if he/she's flush with cash).


B. Are they suppose to go through those advance location when they are still low level?


Sorry, did you address this point, because I think I missed it.


It also hope that using photobucket.com is allowed in this forum, please don't ban me if it is not allowed.


No worries


I thought of a few more points;


Water. I think it should be part of the play mechanics. Places like goodsprings isn't a problem, but other longer stretches should require the caravan to carry water or have waypoints for the brahmin to "tank up" on the h20.


As the player progresses, perhaps other mounts and unique guards should become available. Perhaps a bighorner mount might be on teh market. Besides the greater carry weight he's also a proficient fighter, but he'd be very expensive to purchase and would require more water. Perhaps a gifted tinkerer has fixed up a mechanical giddyup buttercup pony. It's expensive but doesn't require water and is very rugged. Other mounts will have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Special guards will of course be more expensive, but will add extra firepower and character/atmosphere to the caravan.


Lead bull. I think it might be an interesting mechanic to have lead bull, that the rest of the pack animals follow. It's also a easy way to set up packages. But it could be a critical weakpoint that the player would have to cover. But if it's too hard to protect we can drop it.


I also think it might be handy to have a guide npc along on the first trip. It would allow the player to get the info in a natural way. We can also do the same thing with a dialog at teh caravan house, but I feel like a guide would be more immersive in th game world.


And we shouldn't forget all the things can go wrong for a caravan. NCR officials might hold up your caravan, or require a bribe to get your papers. Other caravans might sabotage yours. Tribals might require a tribute for crossing their land. Pack animals can go lame. Etc. Lots of potential story elements.

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Oh almost forgot. If you'r working for a Trade company should there be a time element involved. Bonus if your early, docked pay if your late. Also if you have a high barter and/or Cass is one of your followers, your profits while working for a caravan house should increase slightly, more so if your a private caravan.


And if we can figure out a way to tweak the barter/monetary system we should also be able to open up the mod as a sandbox version. As it is now you can't really profit from the vendor system, even with a 100 barter, I believe your max sale price is 72.5%, but if we can tweak that, your caravan should be able to go to any vendor and potentially make a profit without us having to write that encounter. That would mean that after our authored mod was completed the player could continue a open ended, sandbox world type, caravan adventure ad infinitum.


Maybe if the entrypoint exists we could make a trader perk that allows you to sell at 100% (or whatever works for balance). If it doesn't maybe we could just resurrect the master trader perk and the 25% bonus (or whatever we set it at) for buying will offset the 72.5% max sales.

Edited by devinpatterson
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I like the idea. it has marret. i would play it. especially early when u need the caps, but herew what i see as the problem. the games engine is knpwn for npc/encounter problems. no mayyer how much you play test youll have little problems. 2 what stops someone from fast traveling from post to post?. that said i love the idea. id love to toss the idea around and exchange ideas if your intristed.
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I think it would be cool to have this mod. I would definitely download it if it comes out. There are Mojave Outpost boxes all over. What if a person just fast traveled after shipping all the goods to their destination?


Yep, that would be a problem for the sandbox part. It's very easy to disable the boxes, but it'd be better if there was another solution that wasn't so heavy handed. For the non-sandbox narrative we're putting together you'll need to have your caravan with you for the scripted event (and thus payday).


the games engine is knpwn for npc/encounter problems. no mayyer how much you play test youll have little problems.


Well we can see how the packages do. Most of them are travel packages and follow packages, and while not trouble free it could be a lot worse.



2 what stops someone from fast traveling from post to post?. that said i love the idea. id love to toss the idea around and exchange ideas if your intristed.


Fast travel can be disabled on the player and or the caravan. And yes I'd love to hear your ideas on the mod :thumbsup:

Edited by devinpatterson
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Devin, the water idea is so genius since it adds to the realism and the extension to the long 15 gives it a more sense of adventure. Sir, I cannot say anything more to the things you have added like being with Cass (based on the in-game lore, she is a caravan owner and having her along gives you all the things she learned from all her previous dealings) is amazing. And the potential of having a good experience about the trade run is great since the caravan run is not just about fighting the bad guys along the way but also dealing with gray areas such as corrupt NCR officials. This is totally cowboy mate it would be nice to bring the mod Misty along so you can have her play a guitar during water stops.


I'm afraid I can only help with the concept since I haven't tried doing mods but since I am starting to like the idea of mods. I think I should take a time in a day to study how to do one but until then the most help I can give is concept.

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