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Ill Met by Moonlight Quest completely FUBAR


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Find myself in a completely unassailable jam.


I started the quest normally by talking to Sinding in the prison where he then turned into a werewolf and climbed up his cell to safety. I then killed the great beast and talked to Hircine who told me to kill Sinding to gain his favor. It was after this that the quest turned out to be broken. Entering Bloated Man's Grotto I noticed that it hadn't changed to the special version used for this quest, in which it was supposed to become Hiricine's domain. None of the hunters dead or living were present, all the usual wolves, bears and spriggans were still there. Upon coming out into the clearing the quest marker changed to start the hunt. The quest marker then pointed me back at the Falkreath jail. I went back there and the quest marker was in Sinding's cell but Sinding himself wasn't. I tried multiple console commands including using Sinding's reference id to teleport him to my location but it only brought the quest marker to my area, Sinding himself still appears to be nonexistent. I tried resetting the quest artificially through console commands but this still fixed nothing. Normally I would just give up on the quest at this point but the permanently bound cursed ring puts me in a serious bind here. Any kind of fix would be very much appreciated...

Edited by Stellerman7
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It's a known issue. Best you can do is open an old save and try again. Also... I suggest installing the Unofficial SE patch if you haven't already. This fixes a lot of commonly known problems with Skyrim that Bethesda never got around of fixing. Do note that I don't know from mind if this quest has also been fixed, I assume as much because I never had issues with it.


Hope this can help.

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