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Pipboy Readius Debacle


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Okay so I know i'm not even close to the first person to start a topic about a problem with uninstalling this mod, but I've tried literally EVERYTHING I could think of and still no luck. I downloaded this mod a while ago and due to some issues i'd been having while in game I decided to uninstall each mod I had separately to see if it was a problem with one of them. I then discovered that the pipboy readius, although it worked fine, did cause some glitches in the game. So I decided to uninstall it and just go back to using the regular pipboy, however the readius had other plans. When uninstalling it the readius was gone but the blank hand motion to bring it out still happened. I'm sure none of these things occurring are any news to all of you though, since this problem has been around for a long time. Now what I've tried are:


---Uninstalling the mod, and then deleting all of the files I could find in the data folder of my fo3 directory.

---Reading the readme and uninstalling it in game by holding B and following the steps.

---Downloading a different mod to try and add back the pipboy (the groovatron and a different mod that was a custom skin for the pipboy).

---Uninstalling the mod and then going through the steps to add back a pipboy with console commands and then equipping it (following the exact directions of the pipboy readius page).


I will try anything to be able to use my regular pipboy and get rid of the readius plus it's animation. Any help as always is greatly appreciated!

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scottym23 - Hello!


I don't use Pipboy Readius myself but the problem you have sounds like you've not completely uninstalled the mod, in particular the animation files.


Check your:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


Now if you still have a "locomotion" folder in there, check to see if there's "female" & "male" folders in there with a file in each called "pipboyfemale.kf" in the female folder & "pipboy.kf" in the male folder.


If those .kf files are in there, that's what's causing your problems, delete them & you will return to the default Pipboy animation.


Make sure to delete the .kf's in the male AND the female folder.


If those "pipboyfemale.kf" & "pipboy.kf" in male & female folders are the only thing in there you can delete the whole locomotion folder.


Hope this helps!



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scottym23 - Hello!


I don't use Pipboy Readius myself but the problem you have sounds like you've not completely uninstalled the mod, in particular the animation files.


Check your:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


Now if you still have a "locomotion" folder in there, check to see if there's "female" & "male" folders in there with a file in each called "pipboyfemale.kf" in the female folder & "pipboy.kf" in the male folder.


If those .kf files are in there, that's what's causing your problems, delete them & you will return to the default Pipboy animation.


Make sure to delete the .kf's in the male AND the female folder.


If those "pipboyfemale.kf" & "pipboy.kf" in male & female folders are the only thing in there you can delete the whole locomotion folder.


Hope this helps!




Thank you so much for the help! They were the only two files in my locomotion folder and I deleted them. Now my pipboy is back and that animation doesn't occur anymore :). I gave you a kudo too

Edited by scottym23
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scottym23 - Hello!


I don't use Pipboy Readius myself but the problem you have sounds like you've not completely uninstalled the mod, in particular the animation files.


Check your:


Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson


Now if you still have a "locomotion" folder in there, check to see if there's "female" & "male" folders in there with a file in each called "pipboyfemale.kf" in the female folder & "pipboy.kf" in the male folder.


If those .kf files are in there, that's what's causing your problems, delete them & you will return to the default Pipboy animation.


Make sure to delete the .kf's in the male AND the female folder.


If those "pipboyfemale.kf" & "pipboy.kf" in male & female folders are the only thing in there you can delete the whole locomotion folder.


Hope this helps!



I have the same problem but I can't find the files. This is really bringing me down... please help.

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