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Character Creation crush


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First off I wanted to say that I apologise for my bad english since its not my national leng.


Ok. so here we go.

First its all good and well i start the game get a drive with Stormcloaks (I hate racists) and we go to the character costomise menu, and there is the problem.

Everything goes fine antill i try to change sex of my character : from male to female (as if there was another option).


And then IT happens : the leg of my character is starting to schake as if he was on Dico... , the cursor is getting slower only to stop after fiev seconds allong with the whole game !


The music is playing, everything is fine but the cursor is not moving !

As well as my character is all laged and no matter how long I wait this just wont go any further.


I cant progerss becose the game wont response and i have to use ctrl+alt+del to get the hell out of there...


I cnow this is NOT the first time someone is asking this and im sure im not the last one but pls can you help me out with this ?


I had this YouTube explonation how to deal with this be altering the game file in My Documents/My games/Skyrim but its not working for me so pls HELP !

Edited by DemonRaziel
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  • 3 weeks later...

Does this happen when you change from male to female? If so this can be the fault of too many hair mods installed especially the Apachii Sky Hair. Disable your hair mods and create your character. After you leave Helgen Keep re-enable your hair mods and use showracemenu or Showracemenu Alternative to reset your hair. That should work.




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