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Skeletal Dragons


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My character was up at Dragontooth Crater where a green dragon lay. She sneaked around behind him to rifle his horde. As she sneaked past him he started to burn, she got the swirly effect followed by the announcement that she had absorbed another dragon soul. Fine. She decided to search the body for valuables before going for the chest. When she clicked on it the body shifted, but she didn't get the option to search him. Tried again and this time the dragon skeleton gets up, turns around and looks at her. It then flys off and does a couple of strafing runs on her before she gets into the nearby keep. He hovers around a while then flies off and attacks something else. I 'tfc'd and go chasing after it just to see the now invisible dragon skeleton burning a bear to death on the next hillside. My girl scurried down the mountainside with it in pursuit before she managed to lose it. Tell me, is this normal behavior for green dragons? My girl is Level 30 if that has anything to do with it.






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It most be either the 1.7 patch or dawnguard,



dawnguard added new dragons with names and titles like legendary and ones that speak and blue rings come out of there mouth now instead of just flames I noticed in dawguard


Edited by sinnerman69
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It most be either the 1.7 patch or dawnguard,


dawnguard added new dragons with names and titles like legendary and ones that speak and blue rings come out of there mouth now instead of just flames I noticed in dawguard


I'm at version with no new mods installed in quite a long time and I do not have Dawngard as of yet.




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I'd wait for goty or ultimate edition of skyrim if your in no hurry, by then most of the bugs would be fixed hopefully


there's another dragon bug where Paarthurnax well fast travel with you through the gates of whiterun and end up dead beside you in full dragon skin still too, seen a youtube video of the bug

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I'd wait for goty or ultimate edition of skyrim if your in no hurry, by then most of the bugs would be fixed hopefully


there's another dragon bug where Paarthurnax well fast travel with you through the gates of whiterun and end up dead beside you in full dragon skin still too, seen a youtube video of the bug


From all of the woes that people have been talking about I think that you're right about the GOTY Edition. It depends on how desperate I get.


As for my dragon I'm not too worried about him, but if it was an Easter Egg from Bethesda all I can say is that it was well done. Well done indeed. When he looked over his shoulder at my girl it was brown armour time.




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