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Enchanting interface


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I don't know how hard this would be but would it be possible to make it so the selected options from the enchanting interface don't get cleared after enchanting an item? Similar to alchemy where you can just keep making a potion until you run out of materials, but in this case you would be able to keep enchanting the same item until you either run out of soul gems or the item itself.

Edited by Shmoopey
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I don't know for sure, but i think that because each item is a "new" item and its technically a target for a magical effect, you would likely have to keep selecting the object, though i could see at least keeping the type of soul gem (like ingredients) and the enchanted effect selected.. at least as long as the soul gem has the same size soul in it (so if you select a greater gem with a common soul in it, you'd only keep using your greater gems with common souls.. it wouldnt switch to a greater gem with a lesser or greater soul in it).


but i could be wrong in all that.. its just my thoughts on the matter.

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