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Breezehome to Whiterun CTD Mystery


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HI all, I need some help trying to figure out why I get a CTD when exiting my Breezehome mod under certain circumstances.


I am working on an upgraded Breezehome mod, and have put in a balcony access door and back door and other various items and new textures. The home's navmesh has been finalized and optimized and all items are parented properly by room. I have the first floor done and can exit to Whiterun from any of the three exits with no CTD. However when I start to add items to the second floor, which takes my object count over 700, I get a CTD upon exit with no error message (regardless of which door I use). The CTD does not appear to be tied to any specific item, as I can add items to the loft, bedroom or carl's quarters and I get the same CTD. It's like as soon as I go over 700 objects it crashes. I suspect the issue is unloading ref data from the new Breezehome cell and not caused by anything in the Whiterun world cells.


Can anyone add any insight as to what may be happening? Thanks.


(also posted in the Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting forum)

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Thanks Tambo, but unfortunately I still get the CTD's.


I doubt it's a hardware issue - here's my PC specs:


CPU Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GH (quad core)


Win7 64 bit

NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+


I'd hate to not publish this beautiful mod because of a CTD that I can't figure out. I wish there were at least some crash logs I could see!

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Did you add the line to the Skyrim.ini file that's in MyDocuments\MyGames\Skyrim\, under the [General] section ?


It's an old problem, and adding this line seemed to fix it for everone who encountered it. The fix was actually posted by one of the Bethesda techs.

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Yes I did, but like a lunkhead I put it in Skyrimprefs.ini instead of skyrim.ini under [general]. Upon placing

iLargeIntRefCount=999999 in the proper file it works wonderfully!


So thank you very much Tambo! I will definitely credit you with that fix on release.

Edited by Robinsage
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