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Rat quest crash problem....

James GreyWolf

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This is weird. I am starting over again after a long brake with Oblivion and things are going well. I have a number of mods working in the game, but they are not the problem. I am having problems finishing the Rat quest for the fighter's guild. When I talk to the rat woman and tell her that the argonian has been putting meat out, she starts to talk and then the game crashes. If I tell her that the argonian was NOT involved, things are ok.... until I go and talk to the argonian. When I tell her that she has not been implicated, she starts to talk and.... the game crashes. It is not just quests that are the problem. I am already the Grey Fox. I am working the mage quests at the same time as the fighter, and those quests are not crashing. I am sure there is a cheat that I can type in to get past that part in the quest, but player.sqs <questid> is not working (I had the quest id typed in -- I can't think of it at this moment -- and it did not recognize the command. am I even using the correct command?). If someone can show me what I need to type to get past any conversation with the two women and turn in the quest as finished, I would be most appreciative.
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See the notes section below the Journal section on the UESP Wiki page for A Rat Problem for the correct command to set your quest stage.


Something strange is going on here. I just entered game and typed in setstage FGC01Rats 100 and the game crashed the same as if I were to actually have the conversations.... 110 and it crashes... 200, however, works... though it does mean I blew the quest. I then went on to take care of the shop on the dock that is having break-ins and had no problem. Weird.

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All I can think of to try is load a save from before you advanced the quest using console commands and go to a place away from Anvil for more than 72 hours (or use the 'coc center' and then wait 72 hours plus a bit trick). That may allow whatever is balled up in the game scripts a chance to sort itself out.
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