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Okay. That's it/ My favorite game is now dead. It wont get past the second starting screen before CTDing. I disabled the mods I knew didnt work (recently they f***ed up and that's it). I don't know how to fix it. Should I just delete my installation and reinstall it from Steam? (Can I just delete my Data folder). After that I'll have to reinstall all my mods. Is this what I should just do?



I still want to know how to put my weapon models into a working ESP ingame successfully. I never can figure it out, and I've worked with Blam and CryEngine before. Those were simple as hell..


Also, will it re-dl my Honest Hearts?

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Try Verifying Integrity of Game Cache, I also go into my Steamapps, Common, Copy my ENTIRE FALLOUT NEW VEGAS DIRECTORY And place it snugly inside a big labeled "BACKUPS" Folder, inside labeled FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS BACKUP(s)


When Mods replace textures, files, anything, when removed they don't restore the Vanilla files, Verifying Game Cache SHOULD Work, Or TRY Deleting your DATA Folder and running FONV, It might detect no Data and re-install it, like how you can do it with Garry's Mod..


Hope this helps!


EDIT: Use FNVEdit to detect Complications, ArchiveInvalidated Invalidation for Texture Glitches, BOSS to load esp/esm files correctly (Yes, ESP and ESM Files MUST Be setup in a certain way upon startup to work.) And my final advice. Find out how to create a Merge Patch using FNVEdit. ( http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/news/906/ )).

Edited by Scottvrakis
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Edit: Reinstalled FONV, got ALL my mods back in order (That took a while!) and then ran the game successfully. Once.


I tried to run it again and at the main menu my mouse was all wonky and would lag a lot from place to place. i fixed most of it in the .ini's with turning off VSync and adding something to the [Controls] section but whenever I mouse over any of the menu functions- Continue|New|Load|Settings|DLC|Quit, etc the cursor freezes on the button and I cant even press it. FONV is probably my fav game on my PC and now (like always) its giving me nothing but errors...

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