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game will not start


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I am going to try one,or all of those tools. I have tried every thing i can think of so far. If i can figure out how to disable the intro video it would help. As i think that is the hang up, but. I am only 75% on this being it.
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I would recommend starting spending some time learning Process Monitor, it is a pretty powerful tool, with good filtering capabilities. Used correctly it will give you a clear view of what FO4 is trying to do with registry, files and the network. That may put you on track to hunt down this bugger! Good luck.

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Process Monitor dose help. The start-up process is trying to create .ini files for mods.


Operation- Create File F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BerettaM9FS.ini

Result- Name not found.


This is happening to most, but not all my mods.

Edited by bill8872
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The CreateFile entry will show when a process tries to create OR open a file.

See the CreateFile API



So it seems FO4 thinks that your mods are still installed (Beretta M9FS is the weapons mod by fadingsignal ?)


When you did a reset of FO4, did you also delete the folders:



C:\User\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

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I do believe fadingsingal is the author of the mod example i used. I did my best going through the logs. It dose look like it is finding every mod i have. All FO4SE mods loaded without issue. I saw 1 or 2 other's that aslo loaded. I did not completely remove the folder from the documents file, but i did temporarily remove the .ini files, and let steam recreate them. It did not help. I did not think about doing the same with thw appdata folder. Will try that tonight. Edited by bill8872
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Maybe it's a problem with not being able to write to the ini file.

Right click the fallout4 folder the click properties. Look at the bottom of the screen and see if Read Only is ticked. If there's a mark in there, uncheck it, and click apply, then ok. Do that to the .ini files inside the folder as well.

edit- while you're at it, you might as well look at the permissions for the folder and contents.

Right click->properties->security tab. Check to make sure that access permissions are set for full permissions for all.

Edited by StormWolf01
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I think I have an idea on why FO4 will not start., but not how to fix it.


I use Process Monitor on FO4, ans SkyrinSE, and I think they both have the same start-up procedures. After looking at both games, and seing many of the same things, the .ini Name not found is due to those mod's not having\needing a .ini file.


SSE is finding the pluging.txt for the mods, but FO4 is not. I did delete the appdata\local\fo4, and let NMM recreate it. I did the same the the My Docs. folder, and let steam/NMM reset it.

SSE read's every mods .esp, but FO4 is not reading them, but reads everything else in it data folder.

I think FO4 somehow lost the path to appdata\local\fo4, as I saw a line that just showed appdata\local\.

I could not see one single .esp, .esm. els, to read.

Edited by bill8872
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From what I can gather from you posts You didn't do a complete reset of the Fallout 4 installation.

You mention NMM, F4SE, removing ini files but not the folder etc.

It's pretty difficult to know/understand what the actual state of your installation is.

I recommend doing a clean reset of the installation, then try to run the game.

RESET/BACKUP existing folders:



to something like



C:\User\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

to something like

C:\User\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Fallout4_OLD

Rename the Fallout 4 Steam data folder to something like Fallout 4_OLD

Rename the NMM folder to NMM_OLD.


Use Steam to re-download the game.

Start the game using the default launcher.

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Did all that, and still nothing. NMM will go apeshit if you don't launch the game from the default launcher first.

It read's every .ini fie fine, but will not read one mod's .esp. The .ini files for those mods that need them it reads fine.

Thanks for the help. After 3 weeks, and NOTHING I am giving up on this game.

Edited by bill8872
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