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recommended magic mods?


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Looking for mods that rebalance the whole magic system.


I find being a mage as a player is utterly pointless for a long list of reasons, it is horrifically undertuned and aside from relying on a few OP gimmicks its not very workable, I find. (Constantly resisting urge to list every issue I have with it)


So are there any mods you guys would recommend that overhaul the magic system? I'm not necessarily looking for NEW spells, just a way to rebalance the system.

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Guest deleted6419983

Try SpellReaserche or Apocalypse and there is somewhere a patch for Spell Reaserch i think that try to remove most of the books spells so you rly have to spend time Realning the new spells also work Straight out of the box with Apocalypse

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