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Documents/MyGames/Fallout4/Custom.ini help


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so I downloaded a mod and i accidentally deleted some script or whatever it's called.


The mod asked me to add something like [Papyrus] and then some more code below it.


Does anyone know the mod or the script that I erased? It has caused me to have the worst companion in the game along with Cait. Preston Garvey won't stop as my companion. Even after I added Cait as a companion and dismissed Garvey back to Sanctuary he is still following me around.


Any help would be appreciated.

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The Papyrus section if the INI should only be for enabling debug logs, and some setting which are really not recommended to change.


I doubt this part of it has anything to do with your companion problems.

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You've basically got "the follower bug". It's where a script fires up that is supposed to send them to whichever settlement. It starts out, and begins to send them off, but before they disappear the script breaks. They're following you around, because they now don't know what to do, and they don't know how to do what you do tell them to do.


try my recommendation in this post. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7598770-cant-dismiss-companions/&do=findComment&comment=69792673 it may help. It may not.

Good luck! :)

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